分水岭Moment: Seattle Office Building Project Exceeds Toughest Environmental Design Standards

WSP USA helped raise the standard for green building design, energy and water efficiency and indoor environmental quality with opening of the Watershed building.
May 24, 2022 11:15 AM ET

Design standards for water and energy efficiency are becoming more stringent in many parts of the world—and few regions can beat Seattle for ambition in green and sustainable building design.

Yet even in this sophisticated real estate market,分水岭— a 72,000-square-foot, seven-story commercial office building for which WSP USA provided mechanical-electrical-plumbing (MEP) engineering, as well as lighting and sustainability design — stands out for its high standards.

WSP’s MEP, Built Ecology and lighting teams collaborated with architect Weber Thompson to design and engineer Watershed to meet two of the most challenging green building standards in the world: The International Living Future Institute’s生活建筑挑战(LBC)和西雅图市Living Building Pilotprogram.

“在一个非常关心可持续性的城市中,分水岭为绿色建筑设计和开发设定了标准金博宝怎么注册,同时为未来的租户和周边社区创造价值,”开发商Hess Callahan Gray的合伙人Joanna Callahan说。according to theSeattle Daily Journal of Commerce


For the WSP professionals working on Watershed, the project represented an exciting challenge and career milestone.

“There aren’t a lot of people who’ve been able to deliver on Living Building Challenge projects,” said Chester Thompson, WSP senior architectural lighting designer. “Architecturally speaking, the standard’s requirements are far ahead of what is being done internationally with regard to energy savings and water conservation.”

The building boasts 25 percent less energy usage than code baselines, a cutting-edge stormwater retention and treatment system, castellated steel beams, a bicycle locker room and showers and other green features. And to meet the Living Building Challenge’s requirement for materials—known as a “petal”—required extraordinary diligence by the WSP team.

“We had to dig into all the materials and products used on the project and make sure everything was sustainably sourced and nothing was on the so-called ‘red list’ of toxic or ecologically harmful materials, many of which are still widely used in construction,” said Zach Stevens, WSP lead sustainability consultant.

Thompson and Stevens corresponded extensively with vendors and manufacturers to vet materials. While time consuming, this level of engagement helped spread awareness in the industry.






“For Watershed, we had to model and analyze to much a higher degree of certainty than is typical even with a LEED project,” Stevens said. “We ran sensitivity analyses for occupancy schedules, temperature set points and many other factors.

To reduce cooling demand on warm days — a concern underscored by last summer’s heat wave in the Pacific Northwest — the building features electrochromic glazing.


Those occupants of the office building include staff of Weber Thompson, whose leadership was so happy with the building’s breakthrough environmental features that they leased an entire floor.



As other cities and builders push the boundaries of what’s possible in low-carbon, water-efficient buildings, Stevens and Thompson look forward to building on the success of Watershed to engage with other developers and design teams in designing buildings for a low-carbon future.


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