我们# WalkforSSD回馈



帖子被温格格温。格温,她的丈夫基思,和她的女儿艾玛与SSD志愿服务在许多方面在过去三年。艾玛是与SSD Kindle。我的丈夫,基思,我有一个美丽的12岁的女儿,名叫艾玛,非常罕见的癫痫综合征从出生。艾玛有多重残疾。她不走或说话。9岁那年,我们决定服务的狗将是一个美妙的方式帮助她在很多方面。我们将在应用程序中与萨斯奎哈纳服务狗在2012年的春天,开始与一个组织一个令人惊异的旅程我们现在所称的第二个家庭。当我们等待“满足狗”称这意味着艾玛希望见到她潜在的合作伙伴,我们决定与SSD志愿者。我们开始成小狗拥抱,这是世界上最好的工作。它是令人惊异的看着艾玛与这些小实验室的小狗。拥抱很多窝后,我们决定我们想要做得更多。SSD可以使用保姆给饲主休息。 To be a sitter, we needed to attend clicker training and orientation. This was a perfect way not only to start practicing how to handle a service dog, but also to make sure that Emma liked dogs. We had so much fun at the training classes and visiting puppy classes that we couldn’t wait to be approved to start sitting. We had the chance to sit 15 different dogs in 8 months. It was during this time that we got the anticipated phone call that they wanted Emma to attend a “meet the dogs” session. Emma met two dogs that day in July 2013, and there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that SSD Kindle was the dog for our daughter. She immediately went to Emma and began licking her and interacting with her. Emma responded immediately to Kindle. The session ended with Kindle sitting beside Emma and Emma’s feet propped up on Kindle’s back. The amazing staff at SSD had told us the dog will pick the human as much as the human picks the dog. Boy, were they right! I still get goosebumps when I think about that moment when Kindle chose Emma to be her girl. We went through team training that fall, and Kindle came home with us. She and Emma have been a team now for a year and a half, and their bond only continues to grow. Kindle goes everywhere with Emma, including school. She is a companion, a comforter, a helper, and an amazing motivator. Emma will now walk long distances in her gait trainer to follow her dog up and down the hall. Before Kindle, Emma’s physical therapist was having trouble getting Emma to take more than a few steps. This is just one of many, many ways that Kindle has helped Emma to become more independent. Emma is a happier and more content little girl with her new 4-legged best friend. She is also, without a doubt, the most popular little girl at ELCO Intermediate School. After Emma and Kindle had the standard 6-month bonding period, we were able to start volunteering again with SSD. Last summer, we whelped a litter of newborn SSD pups. GEB Talent (from Guiding Eyes for the Blind) had her first litter in June 2014. She and her 7 pups lived with us all summer. Wow! What an amazing experience! We even got to name the litter. They were the “C” litter. So if you know SSD Clementine, SSD Charcoal, SSD Colorado, or SSD Cookie Dough, then you have met our grandpuppies! The other three were sent to other amazing service dog organizations in Florida and Canada. Currently, we are housing an SSD breeder dog, SSD Berlin, from the Country Capitals Litter. When she’s pregnant, she leaves us and comes back when her puppies are weaned. She and Kindle are like sisters, and she has been an amazing addition to our family. We have served on committees for SSD fundraisers, attended numerous events for SSD, and taken every opportunity we can in public to share our story and encourage support for this amazing, life-changing organization. We count our blessings every day and there is no doubt that Kindle and SSD are at the top of that list! Why do we walk in the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community? We want to support and help raise money for the organization that has given us so much and allowed us to give back in return. We’ll see you Saturday, May 16!想加入格温,基思,艾玛和Kindle Highmark走健康的社区?188bet网址怎么打不开今天报名! 事件详细信息 星期六,5月16日 现场登记时间7:45开始。 5 k从9点开始走。 英里乐趣走在上午9点15分开始。 在哪里 哈里斯堡区社区学院188bet网址怎么打不开 1使用驱动 17110年宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡 登记
