

The company donates all processing fees from Paycheck Protection Program to nonprofits helping entrepreneurs, minority-owned businesses



旧金山,2020年7月9日 / 3BL媒体 / - 在2020年4月的行业领先的承诺下,捐赠了薪水保护计划的所有总处理费持续的共同199大流行使他们的大门打开,保留员工并重建。通过富国银行(Wells Fargo)的新开放商业基金,该公司将聘请非营利组织,以向小型企业提供资本,技术支持和长期弹性计划,重点是那些是少数群体企业的企业。

Through June 30, Wells Fargo funded loans under the PPP for more than 179,000 customers, with an average loan amount of $56,000, totaling $10.1 billion. Of the loans made, 84% of those are for companies that have less than 10 employees; 60% were for amounts of $25,000 or less; and, 90% of these applicants had $2 million or less in annual revenue. Given the federal government’s extension of the PPP, Wells Fargo will reopen its PPP loan application process to eligible customers as soon as possible through a link in业务在线银行®或CEO®。

"By donating approximately $400 million in processing fees to assist small businesses in need, Wells Fargo’s Open for Business Fund creates opportunities for near-term access to capital and addresses the road ahead to meaningful economic recovery, especially for Black and African American entrepreneurs and other minority-owned businesses," said Wells Fargo CEO Charlie Scharf. "Wells Fargo is committed to helping small businesses impacted by COVID-19 stay open and get back to growth."

根据富国银行(Wells Fargo)的6月盖洛普/小型企业指数的数据,接受调查的小企业主中有一半以上的人期望在未来12个月内停滞或减少收入。

Accelerating small business recovery for communities in need

The Open for Business Fund’s initial grants will allocate $28 million to Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), also known as nonprofit community lenders, aimed at empowering Black and African American-owned small businesses, which are closing at nearly twice the rate of the industry, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. Among the first grantees:

  • Expanding Black Business Credit Initiative(EBBC) will support the launch of the Black Vision Fund to increase the flow of capital to Black-focused CDFIs for transformational work to close the racial wealth gap in African American communities. The CDFIs will also receive capital for urgent deployment to impacted businesses in the Mid- Atlantic, Southeast, and Midwest.
  • 当地倡议支持公司(LISC) will provide grants and low cost capital to more than 2,800 entrepreneurs with a focus on preventing loss in revenue, sustaining employment, and averting vacancies among vulnerable small business owners in urban and rural markets nationwide.

"Black businesses have faced the largest shutdown of any diverse group in the country," said Ron Busby, Sr., CEO of U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. "We lost 41%, or 450,000 Black-owned small businesses, in this pandemic so far and all of those businesses provided jobs so we need to accelerate an economic agenda that helps them recover. The funding that Wells Fargo is putting back into Black businesses and other minority-owned small businesses across the country is truly going to be appreciated and will give the kick start entrepreneurs need to continue and grow. "

Beginning today, the Open for Business Fund is accepting applications from CDFIs and special purpose funds formed by CDFIs serving racially and ethnically diverse small businesses for its first grant cycle, open now through August 7. Additional grant cycles focused on technical assistance and recovery and resiliency will open later this year. Nonprofits can learn more atwww.wellsfargo.com/about/corporate-responsibility/188bet网址怎么打不开community-giving

Small business sentiment

该小企业指数对小企业主在其经济状况和更广泛的经济格局方面提供了季度脉搏检查,该指数强调了对他们在6月的财务前景的乐观情绪比4月更高。但是,这仍然比1月份在Covid-19-19的爆发之前低19%。In specifically oversampling African American, Hispanic, Asian, and women business owners, June’s survey also observed that 52% of these owners felt the U.S. economy was in a recession or depression, while 26% said they did not feel very prepared or at all prepared for the economic downturn from the pandemic.

富国银行首席经济学家马克·维特纳(Mark Vitner)表示:“六月的调查使企业主的乐观情绪随着重新开放的开始而提高,但总体数据表明,对于许多人来说,恢复的道路仍然很长。”“随着全国各地的社区处于不同的恢复阶段,大流行的影响仍在解决,因此随着这些阶段的进展,诸如收入和工作数量等指标的乐观情绪将继续转移。”


Building a thriving small business sector has a lasting impact on communities and on job creation. Since 2015, the $175 million Wells Fargo Diverse Community Capital program has enabled more than 90 CDFIs to finance $1.6 billion in loans and offer 1.8 million hours of training to diverse small business owners, which have helped them sustain 195,000 jobs.


Separately, in March, Wells Fargo announced it aims to invest up to $50 million in Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) as part of its commitment to support economic growth in African American communities where MDIs, often community-based banks, provide mortgage loans, small business lending, and other banking services.


富国银行/盖洛普小型企业指数调查的结果基于对1,478个小型企业主的网络访谈,该企业主在5月29日至6月5日,2020年6月5日进行。本调查还包括一系列不同的细分市场 - 确保至少300次面试在非洲裔美国人,亚洲人和西班牙裔小企业主中都有每个人。从2019年第二季度开始,访谈过程正式从出站电话数据收集到全国小型企业Web选择面板提供商。


富国银行(Wells Fargo&Company)(NYSE:WFC)是一家多元化的基于社区的金融服务公188bet网址怎么打不开司,资产为1.98万亿美元。188bet上不了富国银行的愿景是满足我们客户的财务需求,并帮助他们在经济上取得成功。富国银行(Wells Fargo)成立于1852年,总部位于旧金山,提供银行,投资,抵押产品和服务以及消费者和商业金融,到7400个地点,超过13,000个ATM,Internet(Wellsfargo.com)以及移动银行业务188bet上不了,并且在31个国家和地区设有办事处,以支持在全球经济中开展业务的客户。富国银行(Wells Fargo)拥有大约263,000个团队成员,在美国为三分之一的家庭提供服务。富国银行(Wells Fargo&Company)在《财富》(Fortune)2020年排名美国最大的公司中排名第30位。富国银行的故事也可以提供富国银行的新闻,见解和观点。

Additional information may be found atwww.wellsfargo.com|Twitter:@wellsfargo。可以在富国银行新闻编辑室中找到视频和B卷录像。

Cautionary Statement About Forward-Looking Statements




Jennifer Dunn
+1 (202) 303-2966