


癌症是一种接受者。它可以带走亲人,四肢,钱,头发,和其他东西使我们我们是谁。但我知道当我失去了我的母亲,现在20多年前,癌症也可以给予者。它可以给你勇气、力量、朋友。我学会了在过去几周,有足够的支持,癌症可以推动你去山顶。几周前我荣幸远征的成员在坦桑尼亚乞力马扎罗山,组成的癌症患者,幸存者,和护理人员,由长期ACS志愿者理查德·戴明博士。看到第一手的经验癌症患者在治疗期间——无论是住院或生活有时无情的化疗副作用的,手术或放疗-我无法比较9天之旅应对癌症诊断的艰巨的任务。然而,我不禁认为力量的深度挖花了一些我的攀岩者的另一个步骤是由他们已经通过测试。作为幸存者之一把它作为我们的乞力马扎罗,“我不是一个幸存者。“那太被动。我是一个征服者!” I’ve been back in the warmth of my home, family life, and work life for a week since the Kilimanjaro trek. It was easy to fall back into the rhythm of daily life where I take for granted the ability to take a shower, change clothing, find fresh fruits and vegetables, and have access to safe drinking water. But lingering from the trip is the indelible impression of trust and caring and the kind of ‘survivorship’ that is manifested when we are far away from our established routines and creature comforts. Just as each person in the group found the strength and encouragement to take a trip across the globe and climb the highest peak in Africa, every one of us was once where so many American Cancer Society volunteers and constituents are today: facing a daunting disease or anticipating difficult side effects from treatment, or caring for a loved one in those circumstances, and needing strength from wherever they can find it. Not every person whose life is interrupted by cancer will ultimately climb a mountain, but it’s a comfort to me to know that so many will have the chance to try. ACS20516