什么是Land Breatement的LBX环境加密代币?
土地改善交换 is an environmentally driven crypto token that creates a financial incentive and trading market to pull forward environmental cleanup and expedite the transition away from fossil fuels while providing new sustainable livable wage jobs for the local community. It is a token built off the ERC-20 Ethereum framework that provides a direct financial incentive to promote and accelerate environmental cleanup of negatively impacted lands from the fossil fuel industry while also creating new family supportable environmental jobs in hard hit communities. The LBX business model is built to utilize positive incentives to motivate individuals and businesses to help transition fossil fuel communities forward with jobs and environmental progress. Land Betterment Exchange has engaged Land Betterment Corporation as its token issuance partner to ensure that the integrity of the token issuance process is adhered to, and the environment cleanup is completed. We can now be found onFacebook,,,,LinkedIn,,,,推特,,,,Instagram,,,,reddit,,,,蒂克托克。
土地改善公司印第安纳州福利公司和待定的B-Corp是一家致力于通过升级以前的煤矿矿场来促进积极影响的环境解决方案公司,以创造可持续的社区发展和创造就业机会。188bet网址怎么打不开该公司利用一个完整的基于解决方案的生命周期计划来恢复和恢复环境,并振兴需要变革和机会的社区。土地改善通过确定未宣布的,破败和被忽视的煤炭开采地点,通过开垦和补救来修复环境,然后重新利用土地来支持为社区服务的可持续业务。188bet网址怎么打不开陆地改善坚定地认为,通过实际解决方案,可以恢复受影响地区的长期工作,同时为社区和我们的星球建立可持续和安全的环境。有关更多信息,请访问 landbetterment.com or connect with the Company on Facebook,,,, 推特, 和 LinkedIn。