CNH Industrial N.V.is committed to enhancing sustainability at every level, and this extends to the design of the products themselves. This year’sGoodDesign®奖,认可公司的农业品牌STEYRand新荷兰农业, alongside global construction equipment brand案件和全球动力总成品牌FPT工业,获得著名的2020年GoodDistion®奖。这些奖项由芝加哥雅典娜(Chicago Athenaeum)授予:建筑和设计博物馆以及欧洲建筑,艺术,设计和城市研究中心,这些奖项认可了四个品牌的产品和概念,这些产品和概念被认为是各自领域的杰出例子。
Celebrating the most innovative and cutting-edge industrial, product and graphic designs from around the world, the selection criteria are based on the highest aesthetic in terms of innovative design, new technologies, form, materials, construction, concept, function, utility, and energy efficiency, and sensitivity to the environment. The jury, composed of design professionals, industry leading specialists, design journalists and critics selected the following products from a record number of submissions from 48 countries: the STEYR Konzept Tractor, the New Holland BigBaler 1290 High Density, the CASE ‘Project Zeus’ concept electric backhoe loader and the FPT Industrial concept Cursor X engine.
奖项有趣的是,它们涵盖了生产机器和概念产品。1920年新型荷兰Bigbaler 1920年已经为世界的农民带来了重大的可持续性福利,有助于减少清洁田和动物饲料的麻线。金博宝怎么注册这三种概念产品展示了固有的可持续性如何成为未来设计的基石,即通过使用替代推进技术来减少排放的替代推进技术金博宝怎么注册,这在所有三个Steyr,案例和FPT工业概念中都很明显,或者通过使用前沿技术来使用前沿技术来使用前沿技术增强操作员体验,降低疲劳并提高生产率。
Steyr Konzept拖拉机。零排放耕作和聪明但实用的操作。
Steyr的GoodDesign®奖是为了表彰其背后的创意却实用的思想Konzept, a striking study of the future of tractor development. The distinctive design brings real-world benefits in areas ranging from performance to visibility to sustainability. Examples include the minimalist cabin interior where information is projected on to transparent screens, enabling maximum visibility and enhancing operator comfort and productivity.
New Holland BigBaler 1290 High Density. Enhanced in-field sustainable operation.
新的荷兰Bigbaler 1290高密度因其设计视野和提高运营效率而受到赞扬。该产品的流动线是受自然启发的,特别是在它们生长时摇摆的农作物的视线,其弯曲的时尚形式反映了机器的功能。
这Bigbaler 1290高密度显着增强了可持续性。金博宝怎么注册使用专利的Loop Master™打结技术,消除了麻线隔离,在整个季节中,这可以节省约六公里或46公斤的麻线。这使得无麻线,未经污染的饲料,田间没有残留物。
案子‘Project Zeus’Electric Backhoe Loader是一个独特的独立原型,它完美地结合了Case的遗产的本质及其在干净,简单的设计包中增强施工中可持续性的使命。金博宝怎么注册这款零发射机具有与标准柴油等效的功率和性能相同的功率和性能,并且运营成本大大降低。电力铲的系列生产模型将于2021年初交付为580 EV。
这jury was impressed by how the concept conveyed design heritage stretching back to 1957, anchored in both clean operation and the sharp and clean design of the machine. It was commended for its innovative lighting/backlighting design elements, rugged yet clean lines and contouring, as well as a modern and intuitive user experience.
这FPT工业光标xengine concept, which is a symbol of how the Brand conceives innovation, is a concept engine designed for ‘Planet Earth’. Cursor X is defined by the four ‘M’ philosophy: Multi-power – it can be powered by the most sustainable fuel for the specific mission – natural gas hydrogen fuel cell electric generation or battery-stored energy; Modular – to enable easy assembly and vehicle integration; Multi-application – to power a wide variety of machines from agriculture to construction and from commercial vehicles to power generation applications; and Mindful – the engine is self-learning and fully connected.