喂美国西密歇根州惠而浦公司正在合作,为西密歇根州的某些县带来“感觉良好的冰箱”。这些冰箱中有11个已经放置在贝里恩县(Whirlpool Corporation)所在的贝里恩县(Berrien County),其中有数十种。马斯基根和大瀑布城也将很快收到这些冰箱。
惠而浦公司市场经理Gerrod Moore说:“在美国,食品不平等是一个严重的问题,这就是为什么我们很高兴该计划启动并开始加快速度。”“In addition to placing fridges in West Michigan where Whirlpool Corporation is headquartered, we’re rolling out the program in other Michigan markets such as Detroit, and urban areas across the country including Atlanta, Dallas, and Chicago, providing over 100 refrigerators in total this fall to aid families in need.”
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惠而浦公司将重点关注黑人,有色人种(BIPOC)和农村地区的目标,因此将与养活美国的养活美国级别的养活社区的粮食不安全。“对于城市社区。we serve, Feel Good Fridges are a great way to help meet the need,” said the food bank’s President and CEO Kenneth Estelle. “We’re very excited to see this new hunger-relief program come to life! Innovative ideas like this one are so important in the fight against hunger.”