为什么企业从一开始就需要考虑能量ir Sustainability Plans

为什么企业从一开始就需要考虑能量ir Sustainability Plans





ByGreg Kandankulam, Director of Sustainability Advisory, NRG Energy

In recent years, businesses have faced increased pressure from their customers, employees, investors, the public sector, and many other stakeholder groups on issues impacting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. As such, it’s no surprise companies are making commitments and executing strategies to improve the sustainability of their operations.

The Harvard Business Review last yearreportedthat “virtually all of the world’s largest companies now issue a sustainability report and set goals,” and added that more than 2,000 companies have set decarbonization targets.

对于寻求更高可持续性和较低碳排放的公司金博宝怎么注册a key piece of the sustainability puzzle正在最大程度地减少您的能源供应的影响。我们在这里提供了一些步骤来提升和扩展您的可持续性计划中的行动。金博宝怎么注册



Some sample questions to start:

  • 您的设施使用哪种HVAC系统?
  • Are they at the end of their useful life?
  • Are the heater and water heaters gas or electric?
  • Do your facilities have any on-site generation sources such as a backup diesel generator or rooftop solar?
  • Does your operation use a lot of energy at a particular time of day?
  • 与其他时期相比,在此期间的电价是多少?


Step 2: Learn what the market is offering

A myriad of energy products, services, and solutions are available to make energy use more sustainable and help you make progress on ESG goals.

These offerings include virtual power purchase agreements for clean energy, participation in community solar projects, energy efficiency and operation improvements, renewable-focused retail solutions, and on-site operational resilience and renewable energy generation.

If you haven’t looked at your options recently, you could be paying a regulated utility or electricity retailer for carbon intensive, standard brown power from the grid. However, utilities in regulated markets and retailers in competitive markets likely offer a green or carbon free power option.

One example of a renewable-focused retail solution isRenewable Select, through which solar or wind energy is sourced from a specific facility and embedded seamlessly into your electricity supply.

In addition, there may be demand response programs in your region that can reward your business for reducing load at opportune periods.Demand responsecan reduce greenhouse gas emissions by helping grid operators meet peak demand without turning on the highest cost, often high-emitting, fossil-fueled peaking plants. It also serves companies by improving grid reliability.

Step 3: Find the right partner to streamline planning and implementation

Businesses developing an integrated sustainability plan will tell you: It’s hard work, especially at the beginning. Unless energy is your business, you may not have the in-house expertise of a wholesale energy market participant which can lead to frustration and missed opportunities.


Your business also may not have the bandwidth to spend the time needed to determine if certain sustainability solutions are right for a specific facility, while also considering the matrix of state and local regulations, incentives, and permitting requirements.



Together, we will help you develop a custom journey that’s right for your business to create a more sustainable future.

Learn more about NRG Energy here