为什么我# WalkforSSD Highmark走健康的社区188bet网址怎么打不开



史黛西Tarkowski客座博客。史黛西和她的家人是小狗狗饲养者萨斯奎哈纳服务,梯形人类服务的程序。188bet上不了他们提高SSD艾莉。他们走在Highmark走健康的社区支持萨斯奎哈纳服务狗。188bet网址怎么打不开也想加入他们,# WalkforSSD吗?报名在线加入步行。虽然我出生和成长在宾夕法尼亚州中部,我一直的地区近20年。回国后不久,爸爸,我被介绍给萨斯奎哈纳服务狗通过一个朋友会去工作的组织。我一直是一个狂热的动物爱好者,在我脑海的背景,我也知道服务存在的动物,但以前从未考虑过他们学习SSD。我越了解这个组织,我开始欣赏它。萨斯奎哈纳服务狗问志愿者来提高他们的小狗和上课训练小狗,教他们loose-leash散步,一些基本线索和周到的礼仪。在18个月大的时候,狗在本周离开自己的饲主,参加高级培训在他们工作的一个——一个与专业培训师准备生活作为工作犬。一旦他们准备好了,狗是放置在许多不同的环境:自闭症儿童提供信心,支持一个士兵患有创伤后应激障碍,或者只是需要陪伴。这些动物的辉煌——结合SSD的奉献和支持社区,使萨斯奎哈纳服务狗一个了不起的组织志愿者和一个我很自豪。188bet网址怎么打不开我的家人开始为SSD后我们失去了心爱的小狗坐在家里的狗骨癌。通过请求和令人信服的从我的17岁的女儿,艾玛,我们最近决定成为小狗饲主。 Emma is a high school senior, deciding whether to go to school for veterinary sciences and one day open her own clinic or going to school for animal psychology and working somewhere fun like SeaWorld, training their dolphins and whales. In either journey, volunteer opportunities like raising a service dog are great experiences for her - and for us! Emma and I are raising SSD Ellie (with very much support from my husband and 14-year-old son), a female yellow lab born in December 2014. Ellie is full of energy and takes much of ours. But the energy she brings into our house is positive, happy energy and she has taught us so much as we work on teaching her to become a working dog. It's tough work, but it's rewarding work. I love seeing how excited Emma gets when SSD Ellie has mastered a cue! Few things I've done as a parent have provided as much of a lesson in responsibility and accountability as raising this puppy. I'm very grateful Emma convinced us to do it because it's deeply rewarding. That's why I'm walking for Susquehanna Service Dogs in the upcoming Highmark Walk. I'm walking because my family believes in SSD and what they do for others. I'm walking because we're raising SSD Ellie and she's teaching us as much as we're teaching her. Now, if you'll excuse me, SSD Ellie and I still have to work on her loose-leash walking. The Highmark walk will be here soon!Highmark走健康的社区188bet网址怎么打不开 事件详细信息 星期六,5月16日现场登记时间7:45开始。5公里步行从9点开始。英里乐趣走在上午9点15分开始。在哪里哈里斯堡地区社区学院1使用驱动哈188bet网址怎么打不开里斯堡,宾夕法尼亚州17110登记 报名参加步行