“深入每一个自由的感性是一种深刻的感觉,在这样一个世界的道德不确定性的一个想法是神圣的,一个信念不能妥协:富人应该帮助穷人,和这种帮助的形式应该援助…[但是]…全球援助的接受者情况更糟糕:更糟。援助帮助让穷人更穷,和增长放缓。”Dambisa Moyo,死去的援助过去5年,发达国家把超过一万亿美元(美国)到发展中国家。然而,许多观察家几乎没有证据表明可持续改善世界贫困人口的生活,预计将从这种级别的投资。事情似乎并没有工作。书是写的,建议,研究、辩论,以及国际承诺。为什么会有这种持续的严重脱节的人的愿望和国家帮助别人产生可持续的和积极的影响?故事和神话丰富的个人和组织意图,遵循走过的路径发展社区和国家想要做出改变,只有制造问题。然而,有成功。从我自己的经验和阅读关于这个话题我越来越好奇的出现似乎什么方法似乎从我们的文化信仰关于发展和援助。我好奇需要转变我们的思想:从我们是专家,我要向你学习,北美文化价值观专家和专家。我们是受过良好教育,我们相信,我们的知识是正确的——因此,如果我们把我们的知识发展中社区或国家的环境将会改善。188bet网址怎么打不开 This is a belief that leaves little room in our thinking to hear and perceive the knowledge of the people we are coming to help. From we can bring in a solution from elsewhere and it will work here to your circumstances are unique and need to be understood before a solution can be created – Modernism has led us to believe that processes and structures can be transferred from one context to another and that they will `fit’. Years of organizational experience should be telling us that this is rarely the experience. From we can talk about your needs without you in the conversation to you are the most important participants in the conversation - In the Foreword to the book Dead Aid, the contributor Niall Ferguson makes an important observation – “…it has long seemed to me problematic, and even a little embarrassing, that so much of the public debate about Africa’s economic problems should be conducted by non-African white men.” Effective conversations happen when all the people involved come into the conversation and are prepared to listen and be changed by the conversation. It is in conversation where we chose to be open to new possibilities, especially when all perspectives are present. From there is one right way to there are multiple and contradictory ways to the outcomes desired – It is uncomfortable for us to live with the ambiguity of multiple and contradictory solutions and we have a socialized preference to reject ambiguity and to move to quickly to action. We want people and governments to move quickly and to make decisions correctly, and we have low tolerance for error. Fortunately there are personal mastery competencies that we can foster that will help us shift our thinking: Humility – a belief that there are things that I don’t know and I want to learn from you. Curiosity – a willingness to be open to other perspectives and to examining my own deeply held beliefs. Unhelpfulness – as Peter Block identifies in188bet网址怎么打不开社区:归属感的结构,不要是有益的。有帮助和给予建议是控制别人的方法。在社区188bet网址怎么打不开中,我们想要替代的好奇心的建议。(109页)接受模棱两可——我不知道我不知道,事情将成为我们一起学习。寻找一些更多的想法参与国际援助的挑战?看看188bet网址怎么打不开社会企业解决方案和变革者。或者,分享一些自己的想法,我们如何能超越我们的偏见和新殖民主义的态度和行为。ACAC5701