Why You Should Care About Pronouns at Work

Why You Should Care About Pronouns at Work

Being yourself and being allied begins with thoughtful communication.

2022年6月15日,星期三 - 下午1:45




From “she/her/hers” and “he/him/his” to the non-binary “they/them/theirs” and “ze/zir/zirs,” pronouns now appear on email signatures, Zoom screens, business cards, name tags, LinkedIn profiles, and more.

Their usage has gained increased attention as workplaces, and society, turns a spotlight on greater inclusion. “They” earned the honor ofMerriam-Webster’s 2019 Word of the Year随着该术语的查找飙升。

For many in the LGBTQ+ community, the ability to easily self-identify is liberating. For allies, sharing pronouns is a public way to show support. For those who don’t understand the purpose — or feel uncomfortable using non-gendered pronouns — it can be confusing, even frustrating.


教练和咨询公司的首席执行官兼创始人印度马丁说:“我们处于未知领域。”Leadership For Execs。And despite the nuanced conversations, one thing is certain: “Every person has the right to identify themselves as they’d like,” she says. “It’s about respecting each other’s humanity.”


Sharing personal pronouns, and using the correct pronouns for colleagues, can have far-ranging benefits. It can reduce gender-based assumptions and foster a greater sense of belonging among employees. It can also help companies recruit and retain staff in a diverse workforce where a broad mix of people from a spectrum of ethnicities and genders work together amidfive different generations

在整个美国,大约14分之一的人自我认同为女同性恋,同性恋,双性恋,变性者或其他异性恋者,according to Gallup research。Roughly one in five Gen Zers who have reaced adulthood— those just entering the workforce — identify as LGBT. In addition, 42% of US adults say they know someone who is transgender, and 26% know someone who goes by a gender-neutral pronoun, according toPew Research Center


Gearah Goldstein说,包容性的环境使个人能够蓬勃发展,同时加强公司的底线。The GenderCool Project,,,,a nonprofit organization that strives to create welcoming workplaces.


Numerous reports show that diverse companies reap substantial rewards, including improvements in创新,,,,productivity,,,,and盈利能力

So, how do we get to a place where diversity is fully accepted, and employees understand the advantages of using, and honoring, appropriate pronouns? “Have an open conversation about it,” Goldstein says.

To help get the discussions started, below are some common questions and expert feedback. As with many other workplace topics, protocol will continue to evolve, so your best bet is to maintain an ongoing dialog in this area.


在许多情况下,公开分享代词的同事将愿意谈论他们在这一领域的知识和经验。戈德斯坦说,但是在您伸出手之前,请进行一些在线研究以获得基准了解。您可以从检查惠普的有关在电子邮件签名中包含代词的有用文件andthe pronoun guidefrom the nonprofit外出和平等的工作场所倡导者。There are many online tutorials as well, such as the LinkedIn Learning course on在工作中培养包容性语言的策略

As a manager, what should I do?



Keep in mind that some people may not want to put forth their pronouns for varying personal reasons. “We shouldn’t judge others for not using pronouns,” says Goldstein.


Share your pronoun,then invite your colleague to share theirs。For instance, you can say, “Hi, I’m Taylor from the marketing department. My pronouns are they, them, theirs. How should I refer to you?” Never push for someone to share a pronoun if they don’t do so.

If you’re in a setting where you’re unable to inquire about a pronoun — such as a large meeting — use the person’s first name when referring to them, says Martin.


“‘Thank you’ is the best response,” says Goldstein. “It shows an intent of positivity and implies that you are trying to do better.”

A quick apology is also good, she says. “Long apologies and discussion can sometimes feel awkward for everyone.”

My manager keeps referring to me incorrectly. How do I let them know I’m a they?


How can I be an ally?

表现出团结性并标准化代词的一种简单方法是将代词添加到您的电子邮件签名中。“By sharing my pronouns, I create a safe place for other people to share their pronouns,” says Annette Friskopp, global head and general manager, HP’s PageWide Industrial business, a board member at Out & Equal, and co-executive sponsor of HP’s Global Pride Business Impact Network (BIN). HP’s Global Pride BIN, a volunteer community of employees that has 17 local Pride chapters across the world, focuses on LGBTQ+ employees and topics and works to amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ staffers.

您还可以通过链接到解释共享代词的好处的网站来帮助他人。Friskopp的电子邮件签名说:“这是什么?”在她列出的“她/她/她”的代词并链接到《 Out&均等代词指南》之后。


Whether you’re a proponent of pronoun use — or perhaps just new to it — the key to allyship remains the same. It’s “to respect people for whatever their preference for themselves might be,” says Martin.