An independent, not-for-profit public broadcaster and producer, WETA’s mission is to produce and distribute content of intellectual integrity and cultural merit that pique the audience’s curiosity and interest in the world around them, providing opportunities for lifelong learning for all who seek enrichment, inspiration and information.
CFC和工作场所提供的贡献支持WETA五个电视频道的广播 - Weta PBS,Weta UK,Weta PBS儿童,Weta World和Weta Metro。观众喜欢流行的节目,例如找到您的根源,杰作,丹尼尔·泰格(Daniel Tiger)的社区,前线,古董路演和自然。古典Weta是大华盛顿古典音乐的独家住所,无论是90.9 FM还是通过clasealiceweta.org。贡献有助于资助鼓舞人心的产品,包括Weta制作的广播作品,由领先地区的文化机构,每个星期六下午的歌剧最爱以及一个专门的播客,可深入探索古典音乐。
除了广播和制作外,Weta还开发了宝贵的国家教育服务,包括Well Beings,一项公共媒体运动,通过讲故事,对话和事件来满足美国人的关键健康需求。188bet上不了父母和老师的项目包括ldonline.org,readingrockets.org,colorincolorado.org和adlit.org。
Weta是公共事务,历史以及艺术和文化节目的顶级制作人,在电视上创作了一些最出色的,最观看的节目,包括屡获殊荣的PBS Newshour,Washington Week等。Weta与广泛的独立电影制片人一起制作和展示包括肯·伯恩斯(Ken Burns)的作品穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali)和海明威(Hemingway),亨利·路易斯·盖茨(Henry Louis Gates Jr.)和黑人教堂:这是我们的故事,这是我们的歌,皮博迪获奖亚裔美国人, 还有很多。
Through your support, you are helping others in the Washington, D.C. area and beyond, empowering audiences to share the joy of learning, to stay informed as citizens, to benefit from a deeper understanding of the nation’s history, and to experience the nourishment of the arts and sublime music. Your CFC contributions will help WETA continue to provide a unique service to the national capital region, creating content of true consequence and bring important ideas to life on behalf of the public.
作为weta的workplace giving partner, America’s Charities can help your company design and implement a program centered on supporting their work - through workplace giving campaigns, employee fundraising, cause-focused signature programs, volunteerism, donation drives, matching gifts, Dollars-for-Doers, In-Kind Giving and other employee engagement and philanthropic initiatives.点击这里请求演示并了解我们如何帮助您完成此操作。