

(3BL Media / The金博宝手机版网页csrfeed)加利福尼亚州奥克兰 - 2011年4月13日 -美国公平贸易,美国领先的第三方公平贸易产品认证者,邀请美国人享用公平贸易早餐以纪念世界公平贸易日on Saturday, May 14. Whether it’s brewing a pot of Fair Trade Certified™ coffee, eating a Fair Trade banana or adding certified sugar to a batch of homemade muffins, the world is officially invited to incorporate Fair Trade Certified products into their daily breakfasts for a meal that not only tastes great, but also helps change the world with every bite, sip and spoonful.

全世界成千上万的勤奋者每天不到一美元,其中许多人是生产我们最喜欢的食物的农民和工人。但是,只有三分之一的美国人(约1亿)意识到公平贸易是一种机会,可以通过支持改善生活和减轻农业社区中超过500万人的贫困的产品来使他们的购买习惯与价值保持一致。在非洲,拉丁美洲和亚洲。这就是为什么美国公平贸易要求您在世界公平贸易日提供公平贸易早餐,以帮助“唤醒世界”公平贸易的好处。“We’re not asking for big change,” said Paul Rice, President and CEO of Fair Trade USA,“ just small every day changes—switching a cup of coffee, a banana, a chocolate bar to one that’s Fair Trade Certified—to empower both consumers to make a difference and farmers to improve their lives and plan for a better future. It’s great to wake up every day and know that you’re part of a movement that has the power to change the world.” By choosing from the 9,500 Fair Trade products currently available at 60,000 retail locations and taking control of your morning breakfast routine, you can vote with your dollar for a world where no one has to go without breakfast. Eat a Fair Trade Certified banana to help send an Ecuadorian child to school. Pour a cup of Fair Trade coffee to support the construction of a women’s health clinic in Rwanda. Use Fair Trade Certified sugar in your morning muffins and help a small cooperative in the Philippines convert to organic farming methods. Change your breakfast, change the world. It all begins with you. Show Your Support for Fair Trade:
  • 购买公平贸易认证的成分,例如咖啡,香蕉,茶,糖,肉桂,蜂蜜,香草等,以创建美味的早餐食谱。

  • 访问www.fairtradeusa.org要找到公平贸易产品的折扣,请浏览食谱和下载资源,以帮助传播有关公平贸易的信息。

  • 让您的朋友聚在一起在家中享用公平的贸易早餐,或者出去吃早餐,并在用餐时要求获得公平贸易认证的咖啡或茶。

  • 收听美国公平贸易的USTREAM在4月29日美国东部时间下午12点广播与公平贸易咖啡和可可农民进行现场问答。

  • 向美国公平贸易捐款,以帮助将公平贸易的利益带给世界上更多的农民。访问给女人的工资公平,或帮助孩子上学。

  • 通过关注保持联系@fairtradeusa在Twitter上喜欢公平贸易认证在Facebook上的页面。

厨师们也在拥抱公平的贸易成分。美国公平贸易美国很荣幸能与新兴的旧金山合作雄鹿用餐集团为了唤醒世界筹款早午餐5月14日集线器湾地区。According to the Stag Dining Group, “We are dedicated to making sustainable decisions for our venue, decor and the food that we choose for our dinners.The opportunity to share our story coincides with Fair Trade USA’s commitment to excellence and consideration for social, economic and environmental sustainability.”

有关更多信息,请访问。##美国公平贸易美国(以前是美国特许组织),这是一个非营利组织,是美国公平贸易产品的领先的第三方认证者。美国公平贸易审核并认证美国公司及其国际供应商之间的交易,以确保生产公平贸易认证商品的农民和工人获得公平价格和工资,在安全条件下工作,保护环境,并获得社区发展资金,以授权和授权188bet网址怎么打不开提升他们的社区。美国公平贸易(Fair Trade USA)向消费者教育,将新的制造商和零售商带入公平贸易体系,并为农业社区提供工具,培训和资源,以蓬勃发展作为国际商人。访问www.fairtradeusa.org了解更多信息。FT13183





