


2022年1月20日,星期四 - 上午10:40


RYE BROOK, N.Y., January 20, 2022 /3BL Media/ – Global water technology company, Xylem (NYSE:XYL), announced today that almost 80 percent of its 16,000 employees volunteered their time to help solve urgent water challenges in 2021. Xylem’s global team collectively donated 113,000 hours in their communities, across 55 countries.

The commitment of volunteer hours doubled from 2020 to 2021, despite the challenges of COVID-19. Xylem employees stepped up both in person, in their own communities, and virtually, finding new ways to make a difference. Initiatives included cleaning up waterways, supporting disaster response teams, and providing water education.

"Volunteering is one way we invest in our mission to solve the world’s biggest water challenges,” said Austin Alexander, Vice President of Sustainability and Social Impact at Xylem. “Our colleagues, customers and NGO partners showed real passion, last year – doubling the number of hours they volunteered, compared with 2020. It was particularly encouraging to see this uplift in the face of COVID-19. They found so many creative ways to help communities become more resilient – mentoring young people online, championing the efforts of our NGO partners, and supporting humanitarian relief efforts. It’s just so inspiring to see the impact they’ve had.”

Xylem’s volunteering initiatives are part of its corporate social responsibility program, Xylem Watermark. Xylem provides 10 hours of time off annually for employees to volunteer, with some of the volunteers’ efforts also contributing toXylem的2025年可持金博宝怎么注册续性目标,其中包括:为居住在全球经济金字塔基地的至少2000万人提供清洁水和卫生设施;为1500万人提供水和洗涤(水和卫生)教育;并为全球与水有关的事业和教育提供1%的公司利润。

In 2021, Xylem Watermark volunteering included:

  • Xylem中国的团队为河南和山西省的社区提供了支持,受创纪录的洪水影响,这些洪水影响了数百万的人,并使许多人无法获得安全或清洁的饮用水。该团队成立了一个24小时的联络中心,以支持受影响的客户,并协助向全省捐款以帮助排出洪水。此外,Xylem的中国团队向受影响的社区捐赠了食物和水。
  • 去年夏天,Xylem员工加入了德国西部的救济工作,当时居住在AHR河上的几乎四分之一的人经历了严重的洪水,并摧毁了3,000多个房屋和企业。Xylem员工参加了清理工作,筹集了资金来支持受影响家庭的疏散,并将食品和卫生包分发给了紧急避难所。
  • Over 800 Xylem employees, customers and community members participated in “Aquaton,” a month-long mileage challenge which raised funds for clean water access projects spanning seven countries in Latin America.
  • 来自南非,欧洲和北美的一支多元化的同事团队捐赠了他们的工程技能,以支持马拉维农村健康诊所的工程师的工作,修复洗涤设施。




Xylem Watermark, the Company’s corporate citizenship program, was initiated in 2008, with a focus on protecting and providing safe water resources around the world and also educating people on water-related issues. The global initiative, which encompasses employee and stakeholder engagement, provides access to clean drinking water and sanitation, and humanitarian emergency response to help communities become more water-secure and sustainable.



Gill Curran, Edelman
+(353)87 176 8124