好!品牌,路易斯维尔大学和霍华德·宇宙ity Introduce First-Ever Franchise Accelerator Fellowship to Advance Underrepresented People of Color and Women MBA Talent in Franchising
好!品牌,路易斯维尔大学和霍华德·宇宙ity Introduce First-Ever Franchise Accelerator Fellowship to Advance Underrepresented People of Color and Women MBA Talent in Franchising
LOUISVILLE, Ky. and WASHINGTON, D.C., February 7, 2022 /3BL Media/ - Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE: YUM), the University of Louisville and Howard University today announced the launch of the Yum! Franchise Accelerator, a one-of-a-kind MBA elective opportunity supporting underrepresented people of color and women interested in the franchise restaurant industry. Ten second-year MBA students from the two universities were selected to participate in the intensive five-month fellowship where two participants will have the opportunity to become future franchisees of Yum! Brands, the owner of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and The Habit Burger Grill. The debut of the Yum! Franchise Accelerator follows last year’s launch of the Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence, at the University of Louisville College of Business.
“好吧!布兰德斯(Brands)很荣幸能与路易斯维尔大学(University of Louisville)和霍华德大学(Howard University)合作建立这种开创性的合作伙伴关系,以培训和促进代表性不足的有色人种和女性企业家有兴趣在特许餐厅行业建立职业的企业家。”,好吧!品牌。“奖学金是双赢的,因为学生将获得教育经验,指导和动手培训,与其他人不同!有机会欢迎两名才华横溢的商业领袖和有抱负的特许经营者加入我们的美国系统。”
参与者 - 来自霍华德大学的六名MBA学生和路易斯维尔大学的四名学生获得奖学金;通过百胜,对特许经营模式的广泛教育!全球特许经营卓越特许经营课程中心;百胜的独一无二的指导!Brands在美国的顶级加盟商;餐厅训练;赞助到百胜旅行!品牌的路易斯维尔餐厅支持中心;并在学期中进行了许多独特的策划特许经营专业经验。百胜! Franchise Accelerator provides each student with learning focused on scholarship, mentorship and entrepreneurship that culminates in a pitch competition where two grand prize winners will receive seed money, additional training and mentorship, as well as an opportunity to become a future Yum! franchisee.
“I am thrilled for the University of Louisville to partner with Howard University and Yum! Brands on this exciting, synergistic fellowship to create exceptional opportunities for underrepresented people of color and women,” said Lori Stewart Gonzalez, Ph.D., interim president of UofL. “This program of the Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence exemplifies our commitment to enhanced student experience and upholds our antiracism promise. I am certain it will have life-changing impact not only on participating students but far beyond, through their future entrepreneurial success and with those they mentor and inspire.”
特许经营管理助理教授兼UOFL YUM助理教授凯瑟琳·戈瑟(Kathleen Gosser)博士说:“特许经营是一种赋予社区能力建立和维持世代财富的验证模式。”全球特许经营卓越中心。“该试点计划将加快我们应得的才华横溢的MBA学生队伍,使他们成为人口不足人群中特许经营成功的未来。当这种成功发生时,整个社区都受益。”188bet网址怎么打不开
The creation and funding of the UofL Yum! Center for Global Franchise Excellence is part of Yum! Brands’ global Unlocking Opportunity Initiative, in which the Company committed $100 million over five years to promote equity and inclusion, education and entrepreneurship for employees, frontline restaurant teams and communities around the world. Across KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and The Habit Burger Grill, and in close collaboration with Yum!’s franchisees, the Unlocking Opportunity Initiative builds on more than 20 years of investing in the Company’s people-first culture.
The franchising model is strong in the U.S. and globally and makes business ownership accessible to many individuals. When 2021 year-end data is finalized, theInternational Franchise Associationprojects the franchising industry will haveincreased to more than 780,000 outlets employing 8.4 million people in the U.S. alone.
- actively recruits diverse students to its undergraduate, graduate and executive-level programs offered through the College of Business;
- 进行研究以发展围绕特许经营权的新知识,包括案例研究,白皮书和其他工作,以更好地了解有色人种和女性人数不足的人的所有权降低的原因;
- creates regular Franchise U podcasts and a practitioner-focused journal to share franchising education and news with franchise owners and managers.
路易斯维尔大学成立于1798年,是Astate-SupportedResearch大学,位于Inkentucky最大的大都市地区。该大学每年通过12所学院和学校的本科,研究生和专业课程为22,000多名学生提供服务。该大学因研究,社区参与计划和对多样性的承诺而获得认可和荣誉。188bet网址怎么打不开UOFL获得了南部大学和学校学院委员会的认可,并且是Atlantic Coast会议的学术界和体育大会的成员。有关更多信息,请访问louisville.edu.
关于Howard University
好!Brands,Inc。, based in Louisville, Kentucky, has over 52,000 restaurants in more than 150 countries and territories, operating the Company’s brands – KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell – global leaders of the chicken, pizza and Mexican-style food categories. The Company’s family of brands also includes The Habit Burger Grill, a fast-casual restaurant concept specializing in made-to-order chargrilled burgers, sandwiches and more. In 2021, Yum! Brands was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America and was ranked on Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies.
University of Louisville: Jill Scoggins, 502-650-2624,jill.scoggins@louisville.edu
Howard University: Misha Cornelius, 510-318-1020,misha.cornelius@howard.edu
好!品牌:里克·梅纳德(Rick Maynard),502-874-1778,rick.maynard@yum.com