
蒂娜·凯西(Tina Casey)的话


This article series is sponsored by 3Degrees and produced by the TriplePundit editorial team.



Why transportation?

Historically, coal-fired power plants have been the main driver of greenhouse gas emissions, and the global economic expansion of recent years has contributed to a令人担忧的排放增加来自煤炭发电厂。

但是,在美国,发电部门继续shed coal at a rapid pace。在这里,运输已经成为最有影响力的排放来源。

The most recent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency inventory of家用温室气体排放显示了过去发电的运输环境,分别为GHG总数的29%和28%。

Transportation emissions have the potential to pull further ahead in the coming years as the U.S. power generation sector continues to decarbonize, with both coal and natural gas giving way to more renewable energy.


While it's become more common for companies to invest in renewable energy to lower their emissions footprint from power generation, few companies currently attempt to offset transportation emissions.

Part of the problem is the difficulty in taking stock of those emissions throughout the value chain.

然而,衡量和解决运输是一个挑战,可以从底线上获得回报,因为公司的股票绩效与其愿意之间存在牢固的相关性disclose and manage greenhouse gas emissions

For example, in a recent study, CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) notes: “Corporations that actively manage and plan for climate change secure an 18 percent higher return on investment (ROI) than companies that don’t—and a 67 percent higher ROI than companies who refuse to disclose their emissions.”



Scores of leading global companies including 3M, Ford, General Electric, Shell and many more have already “road-tested” the emissions inventory standards outlined in the温室气体协议, which is currently the most widely-used accounting tool for greenhouse gas emissions.


The most challenging group is Scope 3. It covers all emissions in the value chain, both on the supply side and for the end user, including emissions that the company has no control over.

Science-based targets and strategic carbon offsets

尽管解决范围3排放涉及的挑战,但350多家领先的公司已经建立了3个目标,其中包括运输排放作为全球的一部分Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

SBTi enables companies to inventory their emissions and focus on strategic hotspots in line with global greenhouse gas targets. This science-based, holistic approach also helps companies focus their offset strategies in areas that directly impact their value chains.

The California-headquartered renewable energy and climate solutions specialist3度is one firm that recognizes the effectiveness of addressing Scope 3 goals through strategic carbon offsets.

Mark Mondik, the company’s vice president of carbon markets, describes how carbon offsets can be an especially effective strategy for companies that have little leverage over their downstream emissions.

The key is to think about carbon offsets as a “medium-term” solution that has a ripple effect on the entire transportation sector, contributing to decarbonization over the long run, Mondik said.






That means stronger policies and market incentives are imperative. “The fueling infrastructure we have now was built up over many years with public policy incentives,” Mondik noted. Winding down those entrenched incentives is a matter of dismantling outdated policies and creating new ones that address the need to accelerate climate action.

A policy-based approach is especially urgent considering the potential for the transportation sector to grow throughout the foreseeable future.

