P&G荣誉亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民遗产月 - 通过行动

Inspirational new film builds on P&G’s foundation of award-winning content to raise awareness, spark dialogue, and bring communities together
May 5, 2022 2:00 PM ET




继续倡导平等和包容性,并帮助解决对AAPI社区的偏见的不断上升,宝洁公司正在发行其最新电影“ The Name”,这是激发对话并鼓励人们学习如何学习如何的综合运动的一部分188bet网址怎么打不开say AAPI names, because feeling a sense of belonging in society starts with one’s name.

Everyone has a name — and from birth through a lifetime of introductions, it becomes the cornerstone of our identity. For many AAPIs, their given names carry an even deeper history and significance. But bias, indifference, and even unintentional mistakes can lead to mispronunciation, misidentification and create barriers within communities.

Through the film along with educational resources and tools atwww.pg.com/names, the Company hopes to elevate the importance of a name, and how meaningful gestures — like pronunciation and understanding its meaning — can create a greater sense of belonging for us all.

“名字”迅速记录了一个名叫Yeong Joo [Yuhng-ju]的韩裔美国女孩的生活,带领观众从她出生的那一天开始,到达学校的不舒服情况。虽然完全无意,但他的名字错误发音的简单行动使Yeong Joo感到被疏远和解雇。但是,Yeong Joo的名字的含义在她的朋友,盟友和她自己的行为中得以实现。


In a recent pulse survey conducted by P&G that gauged sentiment around Yeong Joo’s name, an overwhelming majority (78%) of Americans did not recognize “Yeong Joo Park” as a possible American name. Respondents considered familiar Anglo-Saxon names as “American”, drawing a possible connection that individuals without Anglo-Saxon names may more frequently personally experience a degree of othering.


No one likes to feel like an outsider. The survey furthermore shows that more than half of Americans (53%) have experienced having their name mispronounced - showing that the mispronunciation of names is not a uniquely Asian experience but one that is shared by many people, regardless of race or ethnicity.

The film is launching as part of an integrated campaign that will include digital and social media activities, partnerships with notable organizations and members of the AAPI community as well as educational resources and discussion guides. This program is designed to go beyond simple awareness and equip and enable individuals and communities with tools to create lasting, substantive change.

At P&G, we believe that progress starts by seeing the world with a broader perspective and that’s why this film was deliberately led by Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) cast and crew members. Behind the vision of the film’s strategy was an all-Asian creative team, including members of R/GA’s Asian Voices Culture Collective group, who teamed up with notable Japanese-American Director Goh Iramoto. The film spotlights the honest realities of the AAPI experience today — informed by their lived experiences, cultural identities, and backgrounds.

Supporting Our Partners

P&G continues to provide much-needed support to organizations serving the AAPI community at the local and national level including those providing safety and bystander training, developing AAPI leaders in the workforce, supporting AAPI women and girls, and diversifying media organizations and newsrooms.

We will continue to support these initiatives address the systemic barriers facing the AAPI community.

Advancing Representation and Accurate Portrayal

我们知道代表性很重要,因此宝洁很荣幸能够支持See See Compers:芝麻街特别节目,介绍了有史以来第一个亚裔美国人角色Ji-Young。特别节目还包括谈论反亚洲种族主义的机会,是一个引人入胜的故事,鼓励同情,归属和提升AAPI社区。


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