全球公民是敬业公民的运动,他们正在利用自己的集体声音到2030年结束极端贫困。在我们的平台上,全球公民了解了极端贫困的系统性原因,对这些问题采取行动,并为其行为赢得奖励 -全球社区的一部分致力于持久变革。188bet网址怎么打不开
Since 2011, millions of Global Citizens around the world have taken over 24 million actions to targeting world leaders to end extreme poverty by 2030. To date, the actions by our global community along with our high level advocacy efforts and with our partners, have resulted commitments and policy announcements from leaders, valued at over $48 billion that have impacted more than 880 million people by 2030.