
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability and Cause News & Media



As a global company, Moody’s can help create lasting change around the world. We make the greatest positive difference by aligning our philanthropic and volunteer efforts with our business expertise to address specific challenges that we are in a unique position to help. Moody’s...
Young people will drive the next wave of technological and economic advancements shaping our world. Yet many students and young adults face challenges that hold them back. Some are up against economic or cultural barriers. Others lack role models to show them how to navigate in professional spheres...
We’ve launched Reshape Tomorrow™, a global initiative that will help promote greater financial inclusion by bringing more small-business owners — especially women and members of untapped groups in developing markets — the knowledge and resources needed to obtain credit and...
Moody’s ESG Solutions Group is a business unit of Moody’s Corporation serving the growing global demand for ESG and climate insights. The group leverages Moody’s data and expertise across ESG, climate risk, and sustainable finance, and aligns with Moody's Investors Service (...


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