环境、社会和治理新闻和媒体 //www.onehalfbooks.com/ 满足拉莎和Gautam,母亲和儿子在Tirrupur //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/meet-latha-and-gautam-mother-and-son-tirrupur < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/meet-latha-and-gautam-mother-and-son-tirrupur " hreflang = "和" >满足拉莎和Gautam,母亲和儿子在Tirrupur < / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/171212_6269_1.jpg "宽度= = " 400 " alt = " 600 "高度" title =“拉莎和Gautam有着甜蜜的时刻”typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2018 - 05 - 04 - t14:00:00z " >星期五,05/04/2018 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >她努力为儿子创造一个更美好的未来。现在,他想要为她做同样的回报。< / div > < / div > < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p dir = " ltr " > 2017年7月,一些工人在Tiruppur Bestitch针织衫,印度,拉莎的公平贸易认证的工厂™Maheshwari作品,得知她18岁的儿子,Gautam,需要帮助支付他的第三个学期费用高等教育能够呆在学校。当工人们把这种公平贸易委员会的会议上,该组织决定他们想帮助。< / p > < p dir = " ltr " >委员会,它由当选的管理和工人代表他们的团体和社区投资合作项目,为他投票创建一个奖学金的< a href = " https://www.fairtradecertified.org/why-fair188bet网址怎么打不开-trade/our-global-model " target = "平等" > < / >社区发展基金。< / p > < p dir = " ltr " >委员会提供Gautam奖学金资助他的高中教育。这是第一个奖学金由Bestitch委员会只是其中一个投资委员会实施。在过去的几年里,其他成功的项目包括批发价格杂货店,每天营养的早餐计划,和医学眼科检查和处方眼镜项目为员工创建,由工人。< / p > < p dir = " ltr " > Gautam商业计划得到一个学位,希望有一天成为一个注册会计师Tiruppur地区服务于制造业和工人像他的母亲。< / p > < p dir = " ltr”>“在我成长的过程中,人们谈论特许会计是困难的,但我喜欢挑战,“Gautam说。“我对这个社区回馈感兴趣。188bet网址怎么打不开我希望回到我的学习和工作后在这个空间。" < / p > < p dir = " ltr " >他的母亲将Gautam描述为“幸运和勤劳,“导致他获得奖学金在优点的基础上。

Gautam credits the strong work ethic he’s been exposed to in his mother’s factory and hopes that others can see that too and be inspired. "There's a lot of hard work that goes into making these Fair Trade garments,” he says. “I hope the consumers value the product—please don't waste it or discard it—and recognize the mutual benefit in this arrangement. The Fair Trade Committee is already starting to help the worker community with health and education, which are the two main concerns. All workers could and should benefit—just as I have—through the continuing Fair Trade relationship."

As a 38-year-old mother of two, Latha works hard to give her children a future without limits. She has held jobs in several factories throughout the Tiruppur area, and says it’s different at Bestitch, where she’s now been working for two years.

“I'm very happy to work here, at a Fair Trade factory. The management and Fair Trade Committee clearly care for us and there is a good work-life balance. After work, I'm not too tired when I get home and I can take care of my family. At other factories, this was not the case.”

She is hopeful that her younger daughter, who is studying “computers and commerce,” will also work toward the scholarship when it’s her time.

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