环境、社会和治理新闻和媒体 //www.onehalfbooks.com/ 博思艾伦的Duvelza萨恩斯在网络上,领导,形成一个多元文化的科技劳动力 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-duvelza-saenz-cyber-leadership-and-shaping-multicultural-tech-workforce < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-duvelza-saenz-cyber-leadership-and-shaping-multicultural-tech-workforce " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦的Duvelza萨恩斯在网络上,领导,和塑造一个多元文化的科技劳动力< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/BAH_191022_1.png "宽度= " 325 "高度= " 366 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 10 - 23 t12:00:00z " >结婚,10/23/2019——喂饲< /时间> < div > < div >类型的文章内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >长大,只有两个职业感兴趣的博思艾伦带领副Duvelza Saenz:网络战士或齐娜战士公主。幸运的网络世界中,博思艾伦,许多妇女和女童萨斯博士导师和支持,她与前者。< / p > < p > < >强热爱家把人们的下一代< /强> < / p > < p >“我喜欢博思艾伦鼓励的协作环境,”萨斯博士说。“我们有很棒的团队成员具有独特的背景是开放的创新想法。" < / p > < p >)旨在让技术团队更加包容,内部和外部的办公室。她是一个成员的博思艾伦的全球多元文化的业务资源组和非营利性G.R.I.T.T.的创始人兼首席执行官代表女孩难民的技术培训。她也是一个圣安东尼满足了集团的主要成员为女性在网络安全(WiC)和技术和一个女孩女童子军德克萨斯州西南地区的童子军领袖支持干细胞的女孩。< / p > < p > < >强把小孩子的游戏变成一个有益的事业< /强> < / p > < p > Saenz引入技术在年轻的时候——她的案件,通过拼图。< / p > < p > "我总是感兴趣的不同类型的游戏,特别是机械和神秘的,”她说。“我发现的逻辑与推理过程在解谜是平静的。" < / p > < p >现在她拼凑的难题是人工智能技术如何帮助保证美国的安全。大约十年后在美国海军服役,萨恩斯在领导团队的数据科学家,DevOps工程师,网络威胁的猎人部署国防部网络操作的人工智能技术。< / p > < p > "博思艾伦给我改变世界的自由通过创建世界级的能力对美国网络作战人员,以及先进的技术咨询,”她说。< / p > < p > <强>课程领导< /强> < / p > < p >“相信你的直觉,”萨斯博士建议其他女性在网络安全。 “When you notice that a system seems flustered, whether that system is an Agile scrum team in a sprint, a database teetering on a denial of service outage, or a compromised collection system, speak up. Be persistent.”

And make the technology world a welcoming place for other women: “Take care of one another,” she said. “Support one another. Be an ally and a coach whenever possible.”

Read more about cybersecurity at Booz Allen.

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星期二,2019年10月22日19:25:17 + 0000 265721年//www.onehalfbooks.com
从68年拆除“Corvette确保连接汽车:博思艾伦的亚历山德拉激烈质问者分享她的故事 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/dismantling - 68巡洋舰-保护-连接-汽车-博思艾伦-亚历山德拉-质疑-股票-她的故事 < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/dismantling - 68巡洋舰-保护-连接-汽车-博思艾伦-亚历山德拉-质疑-股票-她的故事”hreflang = "和" >从拆除的68巡洋舰确保连接汽车:博思艾伦的亚历山德拉激烈质问者分享她的故事< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/BoozAllen101619.png "宽度= " 510 "高度= " 495 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 10 - 16 t13:50:00z " >结婚,10/16/2019 - 09:50 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >亚历山德拉责难者是六岁时,她和她的父亲撕开他的“68巡洋舰和放回一起连续三次。“他是教我不同的思考解决问题,”她说。< / p > < p >今天激烈质问者是一个高级经理,博思艾伦的商业运输实践中,与一些世界上最大的汽车制造商合作找出一个好的车辆网络安全计划的样子。< / p > < p > < >强先锋保护连接汽车< /强> < / p > < p >最早在博思艾伦的特区创新中心工作,激烈质问者一直是一个团队的一部分考虑车辆被攻击的安全影响。< / p > < p >博思艾伦帮助站起来汽车信息共享和分析中心(Auto-ISAC)在2015年和继续举办集团的业务相关的网络漏洞。使命:主动保护连接汽车的明天。< / p > < p > "我们建立车辆网络安全项目将拯救生命,”她说。< / p > < p > < >强终生教训合作< /强> < / p > < p >信息共享对Auto-ISAC工作至关重要。但行业竞争对手开放并非总是很容易的。“我们第一次召集了所有的汽车制造商进房间,蟋蟀,”冷嘲热讽说。< / p > < p >但她终生教训利用团队合作。 “Working with my dad taught me how to collaborate.”

Today, OEM’s representing more than 99 percent of light-duty vehicles in North America share data with the Auto-ISAC. “And no longer is any meeting silent,” Heckler said.

Learn more about Alexandra Heckler and cybersecurity at Booz Allen.

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0000年结婚,2019年10月16日12:13:34 + 264836年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦网络领袖分享她的科技之旅 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-cyber-leader-shares-her-technology-journey < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-cyber-leader-shares-her-technology-journey " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦网络领袖分享她技术旅程< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Screen_Shot_2019-09-19_at_1.19.33_PM.png "宽度= " 466 "高度= " 629 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 09 - 19 t19:40:00z " >星期四,09/19/2019——15:40 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >博思艾伦带领副Jyoti Wadhwa帮助制药公司和医疗制造商了解他们的网络风险和防范威胁。这是一个复杂的任务在当今世界升级攻击,自动化,整体数字转换。< / p > < p > "终极使命是为病人服务,”她说。“你因为组织必须提供一个安全的环境提供拯救生命的药物,和任何可以破坏,会影响病人。" < / p > < p > <强>从无线网络医疗安全需要< /强> < / p > < p >瓦德瓦的职业生涯开始于新加坡,帮助北电网络的无线部门,处理不同的运营商和系统将最后一英里的房屋和企业的能力。< / p > < p > "如果你能影响关键基础设施和帮助建立,然后你帮助提高社会和人民的水平和能力,”她说。< / p > < p >这导致角色与多样化公司涉及领域包括数据保护、多平台应用程序保护,和应用程序安全性测试。< / p > < p > "我能够成为一个新浪潮的一部分的应用程序和技术集出来,不仅需要遵从性的支持,但更重要的是安全方面的核心成分这些前沿创新的成功,”她说。< / p > < p >数据保护她的工作导致医疗垂直感兴趣。“这就是我开始更多地关注所需的特定的安全风险和隐私需求,”她说。< / p > < p > < >强多方面技能的需求和观点< /强> < / p > < p >等一系列的经验是至关重要的在当今世界的数字转换,这是扩大组织必须考虑风险。“这不仅仅是金融或品牌风险了,”瓦德瓦解释道。 “It now requires thinking about the implications of introducing a new technology, a third-party connection, or supplier into your organization.”

People in traditional information technology roles understand system, application, and process for functional areas such as architecture but may not be as versed in the security or risk dialogues that need to go with it, she said. Or on the other hand, an expert in cyber requirements, mitigations, and best practices may not be as familiar with the IT environment and technology.

Making the cyber world a more inclusive place

When she’s not driving security and privacy initiatives in the healthcare sector, Wadhwa is working to bring more women into technology and cyber careers.

She’s a mentor for Girls in Tech and the Executive Women’s Forum Lift program, which helps forum members define their career goals, find encouragement and support, and navigate the challenges of work/life integration. She’s also involved with Women in Tech, the Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu, and the northern Virginia chapter of (ISC)2, which represents more than 140,000 cybersecurity and information security professionals worldwide.

“With inclusion comes empowerment, and that means being empowered to affect impact, and be in a position to change the world around you,” she said.

Read more about cybersecurity at Booz Allen.

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星期四,2019年9月19日17:06:55 + 0000 261501年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦的莎拉·奥尔森分享她的网络之旅和职业建议 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-sarah-olsen-shares-her-cyber-journey-and-career-advice < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-sarah-olsen-shares-her-cyber-journey-and-career-advice " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦的莎拉·奥尔森分享她的网络之旅和职业建议< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Olsen_Professional_Headshot.jpg "宽度= " 300 "高度= " 300 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 08 - 05 - t18:20:00z " > Mon, 08/05/2019——20分< /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >莎拉·奥尔森她第一次安装安全补丁作为一个青少年,对远程缓冲区溢出攻击已知作为一个“核”——早期的互联网。今天她让cyber-physical系统风险评估在博思艾伦在各种各样的领域。< / p > < p >奥尔森股票从她的职业旅程,建议突出人对网络的热情。< / p > < p > < >强的职业发展与互联网< /强> < / p > < p >全球网络,移动技术,物联网,奥尔森和之外的1980年代的孩子,一直在这里。“技术一直是我生活的一部分,我很幸运看到它的发展,”她说。< / p > < p >在大学和研究生院,她迷上协议分析和密码学的:“我发现快乐书面证明,揭开神秘的看似神奇密码的属性。" < / p > < p >作为这些研究导致安全的实际应用感兴趣,奥尔森加入博思艾伦作为一个软件安全分析师。< / p > < p > < >强保护“最后的边疆”< /强> < / p > < p >奥尔森目前持有高级首席技术专家与博思艾伦的称号。作为一个解决客户挑战在网络和软件的交集,她的工作已经在有趣的方向。目前她是提供思想领导和实践cyber-physical系统软件安全分析。< / p > < p > < br / >的“远离传统it架构的惯例,“用她的话说,“方法的基础总是相同的:理解、分析和改进。" < / p > < p >项目的细节变化,“这需要与没有规定一个完美舒适的清单和定义和开发新流程,”她说。< / p > < p >这是一个挑战奥尔森津津乐道。 “It’s always exciting to get the creative juices flowing and expand our ability to support more clients in need.”

Advice for today’s women in cyber

Olsen also wears the hats of career manager, job leader, and mentor—as well as the informal title of “software czar” for Booz Allen’s El Segundo, California office. Here’s her advice for women looking to get involved in cybersecurity:

  • Identify a few areas of interest, then take the time to explore and develop knowledge and skills in these areas
  • Define the value and “brand” you want to be known for, and be prepared to communicate this to others
  • Don’t be discouraged by gender discrimination or the negative aspects of “tech culture”

“With more women in the field, we can change those perceptions and improve the culture,” she said.

Read more about Sarah Olsen and cybersecurity at Booz Allen.

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妈,05年8月2019 16:05:26 + 0000 256961年//www.onehalfbooks.com
学习和发展与博思艾伦的杰基Mady网络 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/learning-and-evolving-cyber-booz-allens-jackie-mady < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/learning-and-evolving-cyber-booz-allens-jackie-mady " hreflang = "和" >学习和不断发展的网络与博思艾伦杰基Mady < / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/580985_bah_com_LThumb.jpg "宽度= " 300 "高度= " 300 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 06 - 04 - t16:45:00z " >星期二,06/04/2019——12:45 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的文章内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >”在过去的四年里,我发现,网络安全不仅仅是一个词汇或好莱坞字段。在这个行业有太多的潜在影响日常生活。" < / em > < / p > < p >杰基Mady开始她的职业生涯作为一个通信协调员在能源行业。今天,她的助理在博思艾伦的战略创新集团支持一系列的网络安全功能:培训需求分析和设计,帮助台、软件测试、项目调度,技术文档。< / p > < p >她从职业旅程和共享强调提供建议,希望女性进入网络安全领域。< / p > < p > < >强努力工作回报< /强> < / p > < p > Mady说她觉得被网络的陡峭的学习曲线。但是她的团队在博思艾伦花时间投资在她的能力。和她同样投资于google,坐在夜复一夜阅读过程和政策。" < / p > < p > "如果你愿意投入时间学习和成长,你会发现大量的机会,”她说。< / p > < p >这些机会,反过来,可以扩展专业人员通过一系列的教育和工作经历。< / p > < p > "我见过很多女性在博思艾伦non-cyber背景成长在网络领域,他们提供了一个无与伦比的专业知识给我们的客户和公司的水平,”她说。

Cyber is an evolving—and rewarding—journey

In the ever-changing industry, cyber practitioners must work with clients struggling to define their approach to cybersecurity and risk management. “You’ll need to learn and evolve alongside the client,” Mady said.

She noted the invaluable insights that come from answering questions, developing implementation plans, writing technical documentation, training end users, and more.

For women interested in a cyber career, Mady encouraged them to look into certification programs, training programs, and policy case studies as introductions to the field.

“The industry needs people who are willing to put forth the effort and initiative and be willing to sit and figure things out,” she said.

Learn more about cybersecurity and women at Booz Allen.

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星期二,04年6月2019 13:25:36 + 0000 250956年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦的Rashi Narain网络安全的整体视图 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-rashi-narain-her-holistic-view-cybersecurity < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-rashi-narain-her-holistic-view-cybersecurity " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦的Rashi Narain她整体的网络安全< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/BAH.jpg "宽度= " 800 "高度= " 800 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 04 - 04 - t20:20:00z " >星期四,04/04/2019十六20 < /时间> < div > - < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >这篇文章概要Rashi Narain,领先与博思艾伦的网络组织。Rashi优化程序交付通过利用数据分析战略决策和执行。除了担任公司的华盛顿特区地区大使为社会的女性工程师,她用她的项目管理技巧舞蹈学校。阅读更多关于Rashi如何开始她的网络和当前角色网络安全和< / em > < em > < / em > < em >艺术导师,如下。< / em > < / p > < p > <强>你怎么参与网络安全的?< /强> < / p > < p >我来自一个移民家庭。我们总是试图省钱,解决问题当他们打破。解决问题和理解组件的工作原理,以及创造的艺术潜力的事情,让我对工程感兴趣。视觉方面我一直感兴趣的东西,觉得我可能素描产品和创造创新的解决方案。< / p > < p > < >强网络成就您最得意的是什么?

Having started a dance school, I mentor other women in dance and technology. Being a role model for them is something I cherish. One of my students mentioned that seeing me work in technology and still teach dance gave her a vision of what she could be. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to show people that more women can work in cyber and continue to pursue art.

How would you describe your role at Booz Allen?

When I joined Booz Allen after graduating college, it felt odd to be on a team where I was the only person not to have an IT or information systems-oriented background. With my engineering thinking, I took on a role of understanding key concepts, but not necessarily being the implementor. Since I had a holistic understanding of what was going on and who was responsible for what, I worked with requirements and building architectures. It was just a little more natural to me to see all the moving parts and how they fit together.

From there I realized that I have a knack for managing and organizing teams. I enjoyed my work in project and program management so much that I pursued a master’s degree in it.

You don’t have to be a technical SME to work in cybersecurity. You can communicate risks, manage cyber projects, or even help grow business. If we’re able to convey a basic understanding of cybersecurity to the general population, it translates into more opportunities for more individuals to work in the field.

Learn more about Booz Allen’s key women in cyber and tech here.

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星期四,2019年4月04 18:48:42 + 0000 244336年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦的勇敢的对话:男性的盟友在工作场所的作用 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-courageous-conversations-role-male-allies-workplace < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-courageous-conversations-role-male-allies-workplace " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦的勇敢的对话:男性角色的盟友在工作场所< / > < / span > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 04 - 01 t14:00:00z " > Mon, 04/01/2019 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >对多样性和包容性的战斗中,男人扮演着重要的角色。在这个勇敢的谈话视频系列第三部,< a href = " https://www.boozallen.com/d/bio/leadership/bob-miller.html " target = "平等" >工程高管鲍勃米勒< / >与航空网络执行官冬青罗林斯对他持续的成长之旅作为男性盟友女性在工作场所。强调遵循。< / p > < p > < >强说面板会导致一个“啊哈”< /强> < / p > < p >当罗林斯问米勒参与一个面板上什么就像男性高管在工作场所,他做了很多的灵魂搜索。“这我得更聪明”他说。他开始会见妇女在他的团队和询问他们的经验。< / p > < p >米勒也从与他结婚25年的妻子在交谈,他是一个生物学家。为她“这是不同的,没有听到,有比我不得不努力战斗。" < / p > < p > "一个电灯开关,”米勒说。“我意识到我必须做更多的工作。我不得不改变我的方法是,如果我要成为一个真正的冠军。”

An ongoing challenge of awareness

“Your job as an executive is to surround yourself with the best available talent, and if you’re excluding half the population you’re not doing that,” Miller said.

He stressed the importance of not only recruiting with diversity in mind but creating an organization where every person’s skills are coveted and valued, everyone’s thoughts are heard, and everyone can thrive.

As a young person entering the workforce, Miller said he hadn’t always been in tune with how his female colleagues were being treated.

Today, he said, “I’m more aware than I used to be, but I’m not totally aware.”

An opportunity to lead by example

According to Miller, not only do male executives have to be aware of what’s going on around them, they also have to be open and transparent in their communications.

“If you want people to share what they’re feeling insecure about, it requires us as leaders to take some risks,” he said.

“You have to challenge yourself every day to be a change agent and do your part to make the environment the best it can be for everyone on your team.”

Watch the full conversation and learn more about the Courageous Conversations Video Series and diversity and inclusion at Booz Allen.

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星期五,2019年3月29日14:10:48 + 0000 243706年//www.onehalfbooks.com
反馈,第一,无畏与博思艾伦的Lea赫尔利和凯利香农 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/feedback-firsts-and-fearless-conversations-booz-allens-lea-hurley-and-kelly-shannon < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/feedback-firsts-and-fearless-conversations-booz-allens-lea-hurley-and-kelly-shannon " hreflang = "和" >反馈,第一,和无所畏惧与博思艾伦的Lea赫尔利和凯利香农< / > < / span > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 03 - 20 t14:00:00z " >结婚,03/20/2019 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >今年3月,博思艾伦举办一系列的勇敢的谈话妇女历史月。在这个视频系列的第二部分,操作导致凯利香农与网络安全领袖< a href = " https://www.boozallen.com/d/bio/leadership/lea-hurley.html " target = "平等" > Lea Hurley < / >缠身的指导。强调遵循。< / p > < p > < >强开放新的路径和“非传统”倡导者< /强> < / p > < p >客户端“非传统方法一切”挑战赫尔利将在网络安全工作——从一起把网络过渡到“更深入地思考这个问题。" < / p > < p >这是在早期的网络,当国防部只是学习主要的入侵,她说。他持续的支持是关键的职业生涯中,她记录的多,这样她邀请他和他的妻子共进晚餐后,告诉他。< / p > < p > "我感谢他,并帮助他理解他做的和他的道路对我来说,”她说。< / p > < p > < >强拥抱被第一个< /强> < / p > < p >根据赫尔利,她往往是唯一的女性,最年轻的人。< / p > < p >交流她的可信度,她的客户提倡鼓励她得到一个credential-in这种情况下,认证信息系统和安全专业(CISSP)认证。今天,它是唯一的纪念她选择挂在墙上。< / p > < p > <强>欢迎反馈,让爱传出去< /强> < / p > < p >赫尔利强调反馈的重要性在一个职业生涯。“这加速你的路径和你的学习。”

Often people reject the feedback they’re given because they don’t trust the person’s. intent, she said. But feedback is a gift.

“They’re telling you because they care about you,” she said. “Not because they’re trying to drag you down.”

“Early in my career, when I stumbled, you called me up and gave me some hard feedback,” Shannon told Hurley during the interview. “It made me a better leader.”.”

Watch the full conversation and learn more about the Courageous Conversation Video Series and about diversity and inclusion at Booz Allen.

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星期二,2019年3月19日19:05:55 + 0000 242446年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦校长冬青跟上网络罗林斯会谈 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-principal-holly-rollins-talks-keeping-pace-cyber < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-principal-holly-rollins-talks-keeping-pace-cyber " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦校长冬青罗林斯会谈跟上网络< / > < / span > < img加载= "懒惰" src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/bah_1 - 17 - 2019. png”宽度= " 464 "高度= " 672 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 01 - 17 t16:10:00z " >星期四,01/17/2019——十一10 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >标准格式布局< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >这篇文章概要冬青罗林斯,一个高级主管负责人博思艾伦的航空网络业务和丹佛的办公室。加入博思艾伦之前,她在金融领域获得MBA学位,在过去的24年里,她已经把自己这方面的专业知识应用到网络业务发展和能力一代在航空领域。阅读更多关于冬青的网络之旅和她的建议对干工作,激励年轻女性。< / em > < / p > < p > <强>你现在工作是什么?< /强> < / p > < p >目前,我一直在与公司的网络团队合作研发集团具体来说,尝试和扩展我们的网络功能。我们提前很强的网络防御,但我们真的试图带来更多的游戏时,建设稳固平台对武器系统,保护其他非传统资产和电子战。< / p > < p > < >强你参与网络安全吗?< /强> < / p > < p >的两个典型的MBA职业道路金融投资银行和咨询,我选择了后者,导致我博思艾伦。在1990年代末博思艾伦的工作赢得了总统的关键基础设施保护委员会,专门在银行业和金融业的基础设施。< / p > < p >我有机会来支持这一努力,证明商业理由大型商业银行整个行业,投资安全是一个聪明的和战略投资,成本远低于重组后攻击或破坏。< / p > < p >在这段时间里,我们在保护整个美国经济的问题是如此之大,我被风吹走!就在那一刻我意识到我想在一个公司工作,我们承担我们的客户最艰难的挑战和信任来解决这些问题。我们有来自银行业和安全专家,我们都共同努力证明这确实需要一个村庄。< / p > < p > < >强你需要成功的网络今天好吗?< /强> < / p > < p >网络是非常动态的,不断变化的。 While today’s focus is on digital, cyber, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data, tomorrow’s will be something entirely different. I spend a lot of time researching staying up on technology trends to include understanding threat landscapes and reading up on what’s affecting people’s networks to understand where those threats and challenges are coming from. This research helps us define and design better next generation solutions.

You also need to be passionate about the client’s mission and have extreme empathy for the challenges and pressures they’re facing. All of our clients have very unique mission challenges, and when we bring tremendous empathy to that, it opens our eyes as problem solvers and we’re able to better address their challenges.

How can we get more women into STEM careers?

We need young girls to catch the vision. I love showing young girls and women how exciting a career in STEM could be: building relationships, contributing to solving tough challenges, the amazing growth path due to the dynamic nature of the field.

If I could wave a magic wand, I would pump resources in elementary school math and science and make it a lot more hands-on and experimental. By age 12–14, a lot of girls are either going to be inspired by challenges and believe they can academically hang with STEM, or not. It’s about exposing them to more positive role models and changing the scripts they hear.

Many of the things that have defined my happiness and my career at Booz Allen are available to any girl that would like to pursue a career in STEM. It’s exciting, I work with high caliber professionals, and no two days—or two years—are the same.

Learn more about Booz Allen’s key women in cyber and tech, here.

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星期四,2019年1月17日14:54:12 + 0000 236401年//www.onehalfbooks.com
从夏季奥运会的实习生到网络安全专业:博思艾伦的凯蒂·D 'Hondt见面 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/summer-games-intern-cybersecurity-pro-meet-booz-allens-katie-dhondt < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/summer-games-intern-cybersecurity-pro-meet-booz-allens-katie-dhondt " hreflang = "和" >从夏季奥运会的实习生到网络安全专业:满足博思艾伦的凯蒂·D 'Hondt < / > < / span > < img加载= "懒惰" src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/bah10 - 24 - 18. png”宽度= " 972 "高度= " 547 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2018 - 10 - 24 t15:35:00z " >结婚,10/24/2018——火灾< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >网络安全宣传月期间,2018年10月,博思艾伦凸显出女性在网络安全。这段资料凯蒂·D 'Hondt, 2015年夏季奥运会实习生现在支持该公司与美国国土安全部的工作。在加入博思艾伦,凯蒂在公共服务的合作伙伴。她是一个毕业于哈佛肯尼迪学院和密歇根大学。< / em > < / p > < p > < >强你喜欢你的工作吗?< /强> < / p > < p >每天我都有机会一起工作和学习从我们的客户和团队的支持非常聪明的和专用的博思艾伦工程师。< / p > < p > <强>你怎么今天你在哪里?< /强> < / p > < p >我在正确的时间遇到正确的导师。在研究生院,我试着对网络安全类。它是由最初的贡献者之一教Java和特色嘉宾安全技术专家和作者Bruce Schneier。我很感兴趣但恐吓。我的教授联系了我,建议我认真考虑。

What advice would you give to others considering a career in cybersecurity?

You can never be ‘too late’ to start learning and mastering a new field. When I started as a Summer Games intern three years ago, I didn’t know I wanted to be in cybersecurity. But I knew about the firm’s training resources. I probably spent about 15 extra hours a week doing online trainings during my first year at the firm, I earned my UMUC cybersecurity technology graduate certificate, and I’ve participated in the Security+ and CISSP training and exams and the ACT-IAC Associates Professional Development Programs. There are seemingly endless opportunities to enhance your skill set at Booz Allen, and at no personal monetary cost.

Read more about Booz Allen’s cyber practice here.

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0000年结婚,2018年10月24日14:13:13 + 228141年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦的Dianna卡尔会谈隐私,政策,平衡优先级 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-dianna-carr-talks-privacy-policies-and-balancing-priorities < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allens-dianna-carr-talks-privacy-policies-and-balancing-priorities " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦的Dianna卡尔会谈隐私,政策,和平衡优先< / > < / span > < img加载= "懒惰" src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/bah10 - 17 - 18. png”宽度= " 972 "高度= " 547 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2018 - 10 - 17 t21:15:00z " >结婚,10/17/2018 - 17:15 < /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >网络安全宣传月期间,2018年10月,博思艾伦凸显出女性在网络安全。这篇文章概要Dianna卡尔,谁是领导副在隐私和网络安全策略。加入博思艾伦之前,Dianna副主任,保护隐私的国土安全部、国家和项目指挥部。< em >她已经从利哈伊大学金融学学士学位。< / em > < / em > < / p > < p > <强>你怎么开始在网络安全吗?< /强> < / p > < p >如果有人告诉我,我最终将为联邦政府在隐私和网络安全问题,我不认为我会相信了他们。但是在我第一次实习,在一家咨询公司支持大型金融服务公司,我的夏季项目关注隐私。188bet上不了这就是我发现我的电话。< / p > < p > < >强你的日常职责是什么样子的呢?< /强> < / p > < p >每一天都是不同的。进行风险评估和写作策略来处理最新的数据泄露,总有一些新的和具有挑战性的拐角处。< / p > < p >当我是联邦政府的雇员,我带领几个感知事件和通信活动。 With Booz Allen, I serve as the security/privacy training and incident reporting lead for one of our major federal clients. I also presented at a National Cyber Security Awareness Month event last year, giving practical tips for protecting privacy at work and home.

I’m a part-time employee with two small kids. Thanks to the work-life balance Booz Allen offers, I’m able to make an impact for clients in a way that meets my family’s needs. It’s the best of both worlds.

How can employees make their workplace more secure?

Privacy and cyber principles need to be reinforced on a regular basis through reminders, newsletters, tip cards, posters, and activities. You can organize or host a team awareness event, and don’t even need to be a cyber or privacy subject matter expert to do so. There are a number of great free resources out there.

Read more about Booz Allen’s cyber practice here.

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0000年结婚,2018年10月17日19:51:07 + 227261年//www.onehalfbooks.com
博思艾伦CISO丽贝卡麦克海尔谈判网络,加密,和职业 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-ciso-rebecca-mchale-talks-cyber-crypto-and-careers < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/booz-allen-ciso-rebecca-mchale-talks-cyber-crypto-and-careers " hreflang = "和" >博思艾伦CISO丽贝卡麦克海尔谈判网络,加密,和职业< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Rebecca.png "宽度= " 972 "高度= " 547 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2018 - 10 - 09年t21:15:00z " >星期二,10/09/2018 - 17:15 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >在网络安全意识月2018年10月,博思艾伦凸显出女性在网络安全。这段简介博思艾伦的首席信息安全官(CISO),丽贝卡麦克海尔。她负责博思艾伦保护信息技术的战略资产。加入博思艾伦之前,丽贝卡是黑板的CISO Inc .)全球教育技术和服务公司。188bet上不了她还Novetta资深网络安全领导角色和CSRA举行。金博宝手机版网页阅读更多关于她的职业生涯反思和建议女性加入,如下。< / em > < / p > < p > <强>网络成就您最得意的是什么?< /强> < / p > < p >我应对工作监督重大安全事故。这些都是混乱的时期。管理混乱,注重沟通和协作,成为一个更有凝聚力的团队是一个很好的感觉如此放在一起保护措施,最终使组织更强大。< / p > < p > <强>你怎么开始在网络安全吗?< /强> < / p > < p >这一切都始于感兴趣数学和加密。 I was a math major in college, and my senior year, I did an independent study in cryptography. That was the gamechanger for me.

What advice do you have for others interested in a cybersecurity career?

You don’t need to have a traditional technology degree to have great success. I’ve worked with people encompassing a full range of professional backgrounds—from international affairs to graphic design. Engaging staff with a wider variety of experiences has opened the door to new talent and enabled fresh ideas derived from diverse perspectives.

Surround yourself with people who are knowledgeable and from whom you can learn. This will enable you to approach conversations without hesitation, use your voice, and share your viewpoint.

Read more about Booz Allen’s cyber practice, here.

Rebecca earned a B.S. in mathematics from University of Mary Washington and an M.S. in discrete mathematics and computing applications from Royal Holloway, University of London.

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星期五,2018年10月05 19:16:27 + 0000 226016年//www.onehalfbooks.com