环境、社会和治理新闻和媒体 //www.onehalfbooks.com/ 放大你的公益性服务的故事 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/amplifying-your-pro-bono-story < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/amplifying-your-pro-bono-story " hreflang = "和" >放大你的公益故事< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Step-3_Amplifying-Your-Message_case-study_0.png "宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 600 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 10 - 11 t19:55:00z " >星期五,10/11/2019——15:55 < /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >一种循序渐进的方法来开发一个有效的叙事策略< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >主根基金会有了小技巧和影响力的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > <强>选择你讲故事< /强> < br / >谁告诉你的故事是故事本身一样重要。与目标受众实现你的目标,找一个信任的声音,与他们产生共鸣。这些声音可能包括你的领域的专家、首席执行官,或者同行你的观众。其他潜在的发言人可能你服务的非营利组织,员工有参与公益项目,你的项目经理,甚至主根。< / p > < p > <强> < a href = " https://taprootfoundation.org/resources/telling-your-pro-bono-story-storytelling/?阅读更多utm_source = 3 bl&utm_medium = TellingYourBonoStory&utm_campaign = Multimediarelease_AmplifyingYourMessage“目标= "平等" >告诉你公益故事< / >。

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妈,09年9月2019 01:24:32 + 0000 主根 260021年//www.onehalfbooks.com
制作一个公益故事,产生共鸣 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/crafting-pro-bono-story-resonates < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/crafting-pro-bono-story-resonates " hreflang = "和" >制定公益故事产生共鸣< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Step-two_craft-your-story_case-study.png "宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 600 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 10 - 01 t20:30:00z " >星期二,10/01/2019——下午< /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >一种循序渐进的方法来开发一个有效的公益故事策略< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >主根基金会有了小技巧和影响力的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > < >强了解你的目标受众< /强> < br / >你告诉你的公益性服务的终极是什么故事吗?开始理解你audience-whether是你的管理层或员工你试图招募。这个信息可以帮助你塑造你的叙述,外卖你想突出,最终你的行动呼吁。这里有一些步骤来了解你的听众。< / p > < p > < >强发展你的故事< /强> < br / >每一个精彩的故事的核心是一个令人信服的画一个冲突,最终决议,和对未来的消息。 When you’re out in the field delivering your programs, be on the lookout for what Edelman calls the “Five Acts of Successful Stories.” By keeping an eye out for these elements of quality stories, you can make sure the experiences and messages you’re capturing and sharing are the most impactful ones possible.

Pique Your Audience’s Interest
Once you’ve developed your narrative, pique your audience’s interest by infusing it with any of what Edelman calls “The Seven Characteristics of Good Stories.” While you shouldn’t employ all of these qualities, using a few of them can help brighten your story and win over your audience.

Read more in Telling Your Pro Bono Story.

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太阳,08年9月2019 16:04:51 + 0000 主根 260016年//www.onehalfbooks.com
第一步告诉你无偿的故事吗?准备你的利益相关者 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/first-step-telling-your-pro-bono-story-prepare-your-stakeholders < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/first-step-telling-your-pro-bono-story-prepare-your-stakeholders " hreflang = "和" >第一步告诉你无偿的故事吗?准备你的涉众< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Step-one_Prepare-you-key-stakeholders_case-study.png "宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 600 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 09 - 20 t20:30:00z " >星期五,09/20/2019——下午< /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >开发一个有效的叙事策略在这种循序渐进的方法< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容与总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >我们在< a href = " http://www.taprootfoundation.org " target = "平等" > < / >主根基础已经拿起技巧有效的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > <强>第一步:建立一个与你的关键利益相关者合作< /强> < br / >在一天结束的时候,你的故事将是最成功的,当你进入你的营销和沟通团队的专业知识。与你的同伴在一开始你的程序来确保你的关键信息是符合你公司的声音和更广泛的沟通策略。让他们在其他关键时刻,too-like当项目经理调整策略或当参与者对kick-off-so收集你的沟通策略是对你的工作同步。< / p > < p >探索整个框架通过下载< a href = " http://bit。ly / 2 mnlxzw“目标= "平等" >告诉你公益故事< / >。

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太阳,08年9月2019 07:14:34 + 0000 主根 260011年//www.onehalfbooks.com
快速参考:启动您的公司讲故事 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/quick-consult-jumpstart-your-corporate-storytelling < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/quick-consult-jumpstart-your-corporate-storytelling " hreflang = "和" >快速参考:启动您的公司讲故事< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Crystal-headshot_for-quick-consult-section_hero-image_1.png "宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 500 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 09 - 13 t17:05:00z " >星期五,09/13/2019——13:05 < /时间> < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > < em >快速咨询是一个系列,主根基金会的团队成员分享见解的问题和主题我们听到的脑中公益实践者在所有阶段。水晶Hendricks-Kretzer,主根的营销和沟通,分享一些小技巧来构建你的企业讲故事的努力。< / em > < / p > < p > <强>利用讲故事的力量< /强> < / p > < p >讲述一个好的故事是强大的。品牌知道告诉真实,真实的故事产生信任和激励与消费者接触。尤其是在这个“情感经济”,贵公司的成功的社会影响活动的故事展示你的社区合作伙伴推动变革,获得关键的利益相关者的支持,最终激发其他公司提高公司管理的酒吧。188bet网址怎么打不开< / p > < p >你可能会想“我不是通信专业。“不过,你是一个社会责任的专业领先的公司的一些最激动人心的和有效的措施。你见证了“赢”了close-few知道的故事,以及你。而不是把焦点集中在那些故事将是一种耻辱。< / p > < p > < a href = " http://taprootfoundation.org/quick-consult-jumpstart-your-corporate-storytelling/?utm_source = 3 bl&utm_medium =博客“目标= "平等" > <强>这里有一些小贴士启动你的企业公益故事工作> < /强> < / > < / p > < p >你讲故事的启发,开始工作?看看主根的新资源,<强> < a href = " https://taprootfoundation.org/resources/telling-your-pro-bono-story-storytelling/?utm_source=3BL&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=QuickConsult" target="_blank">Telling Your Pro Bono Story, developed with contributions from Edelman, Morgan Stanley, and VMware Foundation. This framework guides you through each step of the storytelling strategy—from preparing your key stakeholders to crafting your story to amplifying your message—with real-life examples of this approach in action.

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结婚,0000年9月04日2019 21:38:12 + 主根 259751年//www.onehalfbooks.com
告诉你的公益行动的故事:摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/telling-your-pro-bono-story-action-morgan-stanley < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/telling-your-pro-bono-story-action-morgan-stanley " hreflang = "和" >故事告诉你的公益行动:摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) < / > < / span > < img加载= "懒惰" src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/adult -业务-交流- 1181722 - _0.jpg”宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 800 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 09 - 05 - t13:30:00z " >星期四,09/05/2019——09:30 < /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >如何摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的研究小组利用讲故事的力量< / div > < / div > < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >但本指南是不仅仅打造品牌和声誉。是关于利用故事来得到管理者的支持你的计划。分享故事,激发员工参与到你的项目,成为公益的特殊的实干家。和它是关于程序的故事对你服务的社区的影响,这样你就可以继续工作,使不同。< / p > < p >我们在< a href = " http://www.taprootfoundation.org " target = "平等" > <强> < /强> < / >主根基础有了小技巧和有效的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > <强>案例学习:摩根士丹利< /强> < br / >摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)努力改变成为一个大使员工生活和工作的社区,并回馈社区是一个公司的核心价值。 The communications efforts of the Community Affairs team—where their pro bono programming lives—allow the company to tell this important story of impact. Whether it be the marque Firmwide pro bono program, Strategy Challenge, which brings together rising talent to help nonprofits solve strategic challenges, or more targeted division led opportunities, the Firm has a range of communications channels to deliver its most impactful message.

Deep roots
The success of the team’s pro bono storytelling is deeply rooted in the long-standing relationships they’ve cultivated company wide. They are a partner and a client of the company’s Corporate Communications department, which encompasses internal, digital, and external communications efforts. With both functions rolling up to Corporate Affairs, this integrated partnership is natural. Joan Steinberg, Managing Director and Global Head of Community Affairs at Morgan Stanley, said, “In order to fully tell your pro bono story, your communications partners need to constantly be updated on your efforts. Keeping them in the loop is critical.”

Steinberg also noted the importance of strong support and investment of resources from key leaders in the organization. “When business heads identify telling pro bono stories as a priority, there’s action.”

Read the full case study in Telling Your Pro Bono Story.

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星期二,2019年8月20日20:44:37 + 0000 主根 258441年//www.onehalfbooks.com
告诉你的公益行动的故事:VMware基础 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/telling-your-pro-bono-story-action-vmware-foundation < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/telling-your-pro-bono-story-action-vmware-foundation " hreflang = "和" >故事告诉你的公益行动:VMware基础< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/IMG_0744.jpg "宽度= = " 800 " alt = " 1200 "高度" title =“Meriem组织和茉莉属下巴VMware基础”“= " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 08 - 27 t13:15:00z " >星期二,08/27/2019事故发生——< /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >如何VMware基础的团队利用讲故事的力量< / div > < / div > < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >但本指南是不仅仅打造品牌和声誉。是关于利用故事来得到管理者的支持你的计划。分享故事,激励员工engagein程序和成为公益性服务的特殊的实干家。和它是关于程序的故事对你服务的社区的影响,这样你就可以继续工作,使不同。< / p > < p >主根基金会有了小技巧和影响力的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > < / p > < p > < / p > < p > <强>案例学习:< /强> < br / > VMware基础之一VMware基金会最近故事努力的公益性服务创建转换技术,设计一系列的指导与主根合作将针在社会部门技术采用。在过去的三年里,该基金会体现每一步的讲故事的方法,强调多小但强大的团队可以完成工作。

Building partnerships that resonate
One of VMware’s early efforts revolved around cultivating strong relationships across the company, but not just with the obvious players. “We worked very closely with our Global People Development team,” said Jessamine Chin, VMware Foundation’s Director. “This collaboration helped us tie our work to our Leadership Code”—a core part of the company’s culture—“which really resonates with employees.” The alignment was equally critical for connecting to the company’s bottom line. “From a brand perspective, the work we’re doing showcases who we are as a company and how those values translate to our business.”

The team also invested time and energy in partnering with their Global Communications department, keeping them abreast of all of the Foundation’s efforts and engaging them for key initiatives. Many years later, they now have a dedicated communications role supporting the Foundation. “Having [this role] on board has been instrumental in continuing to build our relationship with our Global Communications colleagues,” notes Chin.

Read the full case study in Telling Your Pro Bono Story

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星期二,2019年8月20日19:24:13 + 0000 主根 258416年//www.onehalfbooks.com
新资源:告诉你无偿的故事 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/new-resource-telling-your-pro-bono-story < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/new-resource-telling-your-pro-bono-story " hreflang = "和" >新资源:告诉你的公益故事< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/Resource_image.png "宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 600 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2019 - 08 - 21 t17:30:00z " >结婚,08/21/2019 - 13:30 < /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >指南有效沟通你的公益项目< / div > < / div > < div > < div >类型的博客内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > <强>企业公益实践者,讲故事是至关重要的。< /强> < / p > < p >通过的影响你的公益编程有效地沟通,你会促进你公司的社会公益项目在内部和外部。这些努力有助于提升公司的品牌和位置字段的一个好故事的力量。< / p > < p >但本指南是不仅仅打造品牌和声誉。是关于利用故事来得到管理者的支持你的计划。分享故事,激发员工参与到你的项目,成为公益的特殊的实干家。和它是关于程序的故事对你服务的社区的影响,这样你就可以继续工作,使不同。< / p > < p >主根基金会有了小技巧和影响力的公益故事。在爱德曼在朋友的帮助下,VMware,和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley),我们分享见解,我们从我们的经验与公益性服务编程和战略通信。我们的目标是简单的为从业人员配备的技能他们需要告诉强大的领域前进的故事。< / p > < p > < >强的挑战与公益故事< /强> < / p > < p >很多公司很难告诉他们无偿的故事,并有充分的理由。李> < / p > < ul > <公益性服务仍然是一个相对年轻的领域,对故事没有蓝图。而公益是一个增长最快的类型的公司的志愿者项目,许多公司还刚刚开始。讲故事的影响可能是一个挑战与小报告到目前为止并没有广泛使用框架来指导这个过程。李李< / > < >公益实践者可能没有访问通讯工具,他们需要的资源,或支持。 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Resource (HR) professionals may not have communications staff members on their program teams, or they might not have developed strong relationships with their Marketing and Communications department.
  • The communications landscape can be tricky to navigate. There are more channels for information-sharing today than ever before. We’re constantly inundated with messages, promotions, news, and more. That influx, along with a general lack of trust in institutions like the media, makes reaching the right audience a unique challenge.
  • Taking a step-by-step approach

    Given all of these barriers, it’s no wonder it’s so difficult to craft and share compelling stories about pro bono. As the field grows and matures, though, companies are investing more and more in storytelling, and they’re beginning to share their lessons learned. In this resource you’ll find not only a step-by-step approach on how to develop your own pro bono communications strategy, but also case studies from two companies bringing their stories to life.


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