ESG新闻和媒体 // en 礼来的员工以帮助增加临床试验的多样性而感到荣幸 // ​​ lilly Employee荣幸地帮助增加了帮助增加多样性的多样性临床试验 “”

作者 David Marbaugh

我很高兴吹牛我们的一名员工,Coleman obasaju博士,他刚刚获得了National Medical Association’s top honor, the Scroll of Merit Award.

Coleman sees problems – and he tackles them.

As a young medical school student in Nigeria, Coleman witnessed the tremendous widespread suffering of cancer patients with little or no treatment options. He made up his mind that he wanted to work on a team seeking tangible solutions and breakthrough treatments.

To find a medical oncology program, Coleman had to leave his homeland. Fortunately for us, he eventually came to Lilly, where he was shocked to see the poor representation of minorities in clinical trials throughout the entire industry, even for diseases from which minorities suffer disproportionately.

"Something is just wrong with this picture," he said. He then worked with passionate colleagues to paint a new picture.

Read more and see a video of Dr. Obasaju talking about diversity in clinical trials

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