环境、社会和治理新闻和媒体 //www.onehalfbooks.com/ 水务,信息就是力量 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-utilities-information-power < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-utilities-information-power " hreflang = "和" >水务,信息就是力量< / > < / span > < img加载= "懒惰" src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17——水——特别提款权——社会——medai linkedin - 1200 - x627大马鲛v1.gif”宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " title =“< a href = " http://bit。ly / 2 gamq5a“目标= "平等" >体验完整的动画通过点击图像或点击这里查看现场< / >”typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 08 - 24 t14:00:00z " >星期四,08/24/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div >小标题< / div > < div >更好的沟通至关重要的一个安全的和丰富的水供应< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >水务,信息就是力量。视图数据分析专家的见解,水利基础设施和客户互动,更从< em > 2017年战略方向:水行业报告。< / em > < / p > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >博客通讯URL < / div > < div > < a href = " https://www.bv.com/insights/strategic-directions-water-information-power?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&utm_content = ceros&crm_src =网络% 20转诊”>水务,信息就是力量< / > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >分布设置标记< / div > < div > < p > <强>日期和时间等。< /强>我们可能需要两个小时批准确认内容。出版的内容回顾:Monday-Wednesday 8点,晚上8点等Thursday-Friday 8点,6点。等。< / p > < / div > < / div > 0000年结婚,2017年8月23日13:09:26 + bv 100336年//www.onehalfbooks.com 水供应多元化持续上升达到弹性、可靠性的目标 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-supply-diversification-continues-rising-reach-resiliency-reliability-goals < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-supply-diversification-continues-rising-reach-resiliency-reliability-goals " hreflang = "和" >水供应多元化持续上升达到弹性,可靠性目标< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_9.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 08 - 16 t17:45:00z " >结婚,08/16/2017 - 13:45 - < /时间> < div > < div >类型的文章内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >目标开发替代水源,增加可用性和改善水系统弹性继续作为资源利益相关者优先考虑。今年超过50%的< em > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" >战略方向:水行业报告< / > < / em > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < / >受访者认为弹性是一个日益重要的驱动程序,以确保可靠的供水系统传递。这表明他们愿意做出必要的金融投资来实现弹性和水可持续发展的目标。金博宝怎么注册< / p > < p > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > <强>下载2017水行业报告< /强> < / em > < / > < / p > < p >为例,在弗吉尼亚和卡罗来纳的沿海地区,供应挑战被解决通过再生水供应计划增加海水流入淡水含水层威胁饮用水资源。调查结果也证实预期支持水资源保护和大力支持非饮重用和地下水补给。结果还表明兴趣不大,饮用重用地区受访者有能力开发,成本更低的替代水源。< / p > < p >推动饮用重用被看到在缺水的地区和共存的需求不断增长,如佛罗里达和干旱的西南部。这些地区已经实施节水项目和大量饮用重用项目,我们期待一个越来越明显的趋势间接饮用重用和直接饮用重用选项。提供此功能的好处是避免限制用水引起的周期性或间歇供应限制。

Although cost remains the biggest issue for 42 percent of respondents in developing new alternative water supplies, projects are becoming more competitive as utilities’ fixed infrastructure costs and needs for investment continue to increase. These infrastructure repair, replacement and operating costs are independent of the potential investment recovery available for alternative water supply projects. Although these projects are still cost-sensitive, innovative solutions for project implementation, including various types of public-private partnerships, are becoming more popular.

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星期二,2017年8月15日17:05:11 + 0000 bv 97691年//www.onehalfbooks.com
水行业报告:数据驱动更有效供给 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-industry-report-data-drives-more-efficient-supply < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-industry-report-data-drives-more-efficient-supply " hreflang = "和" >水行业报告:数据驱动更有效供给< / > < / span > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 08 - 11 t14:00:00z " >星期五,08/11/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >水务是< a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < / >越来越多地采用技术可以帮助管理资产和维护程序。然而,数据也可以告知资本支出决策,确保水供应商获得最大的投资回报率。< br / > < br / >迈克•奥尔特执行董事总经理的美洲Black & Veatch水业务,探讨了数据应该如何推动长期水可持续性的明智的商业决策。金博宝怎么注册< / p > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >博客通讯URL < / div > < div > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src =网络% 20转诊”> 2017战略方向:水行业报告< / > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >视频< / div > < div > < div > < div class = "视频" > <视频类=“embed-responsive-item”控制= " = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/video_posterframe/public/videos/thumbnails/242356/thumbnail - 242356 - _0014.png?海报h = 7 db0af26 " > <源src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/videos/17_WATER_SDR_Mike_Orth_Data_Drives_a_More_Efficient_Supply_O365.mp4 " type = "视频/ mp4 " >标记您的浏览器不支持视频。< /源> < /视频> < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >分布设置标记< / div > < div > < p > <强>日期和时间等。< /强>我们可能需要两个小时批准确认内容。出版的内容回顾:Monday-Wednesday 8点,晚上8点等Thursday-Friday 8点,6点。等。< / p > < / div > < / div > 妈,07年2017年8月15:34:59 + 0000 bv 95066年//www.onehalfbooks.com 数据分析:对水的不只是数字游戏提供商 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/data-analytics-more-mere-numbers-game-water-providers < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/data-analytics-more-mere-numbers-game-water-providers " hreflang = "和" >数据分析:对水的不只是数字游戏提供商< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_28LinkedIn_1200x62729_v1_Week_8.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 08 - 10 t14:00:00z " >星期四,08/10/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >水供应商已经收集和利用数据执行重要,但传统的任务:监控和数据采集(SCADA)跨网络、设备速度信息和智能计量基础设施系统衡量消费和促进客户计费。但是,如公用事业解决解决衰老基础资产而平衡有限的资本和不断上涨的要求更低的成本和更安全的水,有新的紧迫性探索数据如何驱动和优化资产性能和降低风险。< / p > < p >新一代的创新分析工具加上智能集成基础设施的发展提供核电站运营商和水管理一个新的机会来满足这些需求和更容易地将原始数据转换成可操作的情报。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > <强>下载2017水行业报告< /强> < / em > < / > < / p > < p >当资本低,紧张的问题出现在哪里及如何应用数据分析解决方案,以实现最大的投资回报。尽管组织智能操作的要求,许多关于analytics-based决策水务似乎仍不清楚。< / p > < p >近40%的受访者Black & Veatch < em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告< / em >调查称数据算到他们的流程而不是操作;另有20%的人认为数据分析不是当前流程的一部分,但算到他们的战略规划。< / p > < p >栅栏外(分配和收集),数据的应用程序,可以更快地确定泄漏,减少水的浪费,减少污水外溢,衡量资产的健康。内部,数据可以解锁戏剧性的操作效率和通知新规划和投资策略,因为信息不仅收集,也方便可视化帮助运营商作出更明智的决定。< / p > < p >数据可以扮演主演的角色在提高水处理过程中,减少能源成本和预测资产失败。三个例子的美国西南部处理厂如何使用数据分析在关键业务领域,下载完整的< a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告。

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2017年结婚,09年8月16:05:45 + 0000 bv 95741年//www.onehalfbooks.com
技术创造了新的效率,但水务准备是安全风险吗? //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/technology-creates-new-efficiencies-are-water-utilities-prepared-security-risk < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/technology-creates-new-efficiencies-are-water-utilities-prepared-security-risk " hreflang = "和" >技术创造了新的效率,但是准备的水务安全风险吗?< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_7.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 08 - 02 - t20:00:00z " >结婚,08/02/2017 - 16:00时< /时间> < div > < div >类型的文章内容< / div > < div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p > Yahoo !民主党全国代表大会上,美国司法部在2016年高调的受害者遭受重大网络攻击。许多人认为这只是一个时间问题自来水加入列表。一些人认为物理安全的薄弱环节在确保良好的保护水供应;而另一些人则担心,物联网已经创造了一个不可估量的黑客创建的入口点恶作剧。< / p > < p >供水行业的挑战与危机等级附近老化的基础设施在全国许多地方,不一致的收入,成本上升,证明率增加,实现弹性和劳动力老龄化的威胁。风险和脆弱性的评估可以指导资源的最高优先级。< / p > < p > <强> < em > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" >下载2017水行业报告< / > < / em > < /强> < / p > < p >这些进步从数字化承诺增加新的水资源管理效率,但他们也为黑客们提供更多潜在的向量,可以导致禁用关键基础设施或发布个人信息。< / p > < p >这样的威胁似乎没有引起更广泛的投资系统或应用程序锁定这些关键资产。< a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告< / em > < / >显示,57%的受访者花不到100万美元每年在物理安全水处理厂和大型远程设施。 Another 59 percent reported they’re earmarking less than $1 million per year on cybersecurity for IT. More than a third of survey respondents are spending up to $5 million a year to shore up their security efforts in these two critical areas.

Survey responses, however, provide reasons for cautious optimism that risk and vulnerability assessments are being funded and completed. More than 50 percent of water utility survey respondents indicated they have completed a risk or vulnerability assessment in the past five years. Still, more needs to be done because the industry as a whole appears to be underinvesting in, and undervaluing, security.  

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结婚,2017年8月02 16:32:59 + 0000 bv 93606年//www.onehalfbooks.com
四个关键步骤,优化企业资产管理的数据 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/four-key-steps-optimizing-data-enterprise-asset-management < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/four-key-steps-optimizing-data-enterprise-asset-management " hreflang = "和" >四个关键步骤优化数据为企业资产管理< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_6.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 07 - 26 t14:00:00z " >结婚,07/26/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >许多水领导人面临一个难题——他们知道大规模系统的投资是必须的,但是有一个陡峭的山坡爬来获得必要的批准和复苏速度等的投资。独立,数百万美元的技术项目往往退居幕后,修理和更换老化的分销系统资产。< / p > < p >然而,经济有可能取代老化的资产和跨系统实现更高层次的情报和安全——公用事业只是需要一个全面的,而不是零碎的方法。结合技术、安全和维修和更换计划允许公用事业领导人进行增量更改覆盖数据收集技术和安全更新已经基础设施投资计划。在未来的几年里,这将是更重要的是设计智能添加到资产,而不是限制在同类行业代替。< / p > < p > < em > <强> < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" >下载2017水行业报告< / > < /强> < / em > < / p > < p >今年的战略方向:水行业报告数据显示,越来越多的公用事业领导人正在考虑一个正式的资产管理程序来创建成本效率,提高服务水平和延长资产的使用寿命。每个实用程序,无论技术的使用,产生了大量的数据。然而,挑战存在于创建功能使用现有数据和持续捕获和储存数据识别和纠正数据缺口。< / p > < p >好消息是,这种资产数据困境是一个可控的问题。四个关键步骤是需要解决的问题:< / p > < ol > <李> <强>识别关键资产数据< /强>——一些公用事业公司发现他们最重要的资产数据通过一个“资产健康指数”,检查整体健康包括检查,维修和零件更换。李李< / > < > < >强理解空白< /强>——与它合作专家可以帮助公用事业设计最好的解决方案特定的效用,无论是管理数据点的体积可以跨多个系统或获得一致的输入。李李< / > < > < >强修复数据< /强>——挖掘数据从多个数据库和算法提供了有价值的分析和整合信息告知智能决策。
  • Fix the Process and Change the Work Culture – Training professionals throughout a utility on monitoring equipment and outputs will be key to inculcating a “culture of respect for data” in the workforce.  
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    星期二,2017年7月25日14:36:31 + 0000 bv 90546年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    亚洲洪水转化为机会 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/turning-asias-flood-waters-opportunities < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/turning-asias-flood-waters-opportunities " hreflang = "和" >将亚洲的洪水为机遇< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_5.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 07 - 19 t17:00:00z " >结婚,07/19/2017 - 13:00 < /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >实用工具在整个亚太地区投资于先进的雨水管理策略来提高整体资源弹性和水的可持续性。金博宝怎么注册< / p > < p >气候模式的变化动态,城市化、人口和经济/社会环境是促使该地区的公用事业公司提高投资尤其是增加了可用土地的城市发展压力。海水浓度上升和增加频率的降雨也强调如何管理水资源。< / p > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > <强> < em >下载2017水行业报告< / em > < /强> < / > < p >实用程序分析气候变化对现有资源的影响,关键的风险和机遇,和他们可以采取的步骤,以确保水组合弹性而降低风险。通过积极主动的努力,他们明白,不同的基础设施和水管理战略是必要的整体管理潮湿的天气事件,土地利用变化的经济和社会动态。< / p > < p >为例,发现从< a href = " https://pages.bv.com/whitepaper - managementconsulting - 2016 stormwaterutilitysurvey_01 registrationpage.html”目标= "平等" > 2016 Black & Veatch雨水设施< / >的调查表明,在美国监管合规、防洪、安全、和社区雨水基础设施投资的预期是关键因素。188bet网址怎么打不开足够的和专用的雨水资金是至关重要的,全面解决雨水管理的运营和资本需求。没有明显的雨水服务关税在亚太地区,资金和优先考虑雨水基础设施和水管理战略仍然具有挑战性。然而,企业资产管理的进步以及雨水费是促进改变的出现。< / p > < p > < >强先进的水解决方案< /强> < br / >在整个地区,创新水解决方案利用集成水资源。一些案例研究中这部分的< em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告包括:< / em > < / p > < ul > <李>而不是挖掘更深的下水道,拦截和临时存储设施可以作为雨水系统的释放阀。 Solutions being built today in Hong Kong are integrating more responsive storage schemes.
  • In Singapore, national water agency Public Utilities Board (PUB), is evaluating the feasibility of an integrated Underground Drainage and Reservoir System (UDRS). The study looks into the possibilities of constructing an underground stormwater conveyance and storage system to mitigate the impact of climate change and flood risks, and strengthening the overall drought resilience of Singapore’s water supply.
  • Recognizing that proper maintenance would be necessary as embankments could collapse and cause more severe flooding downstream, Melbourne, Australia, has started investing in retarding basin upgrades. These basins also serve the community as recreational areas.
  • Sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region can help to fund and prioritize stormwater infrastructure and water management strategies. By better coordination of land and water use, surface water and groundwater, water quantity and quality, upstream and downstream use, and freshwater and coastal waters, water leaders in this region can acknowledge the interconnections between each factor in planning for use of alternative water resources.

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    星期二,2017年7月18日16:22:44 + 0000 bv 88161年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    水行业报告:成本和客户期望 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-industry-report-cost-and-customer-expectation < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/water-industry-report-cost-and-customer-expectation " hreflang = "和" >水行业报告:成本和客户期望< / > < / span > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 07 - 14 t14:00:00z " >星期五,07/14/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >客户互动之间的鸿沟将发挥重要作用在成本和客户期望。沟通需要加息和获得公众的认可和因此获得请求将会被许多公用事业面临的最大挑战之一。< / p > < p >安Bui,董事总经理水Black & Veatch管理咨询服务,188bet上不了描述了效用领导人利用机会进一步教育最终用户如何他们的服务造福社会。188bet网址怎么打不开< / p > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >视频< / div > < div > < div > < div class = "视频" > <视频类=“embed-responsive-item”控制= " = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/video_posterframe/public/videos/thumbnails/230846/thumbnail - 230846 - _0001.png?海报h = 7 a6e80fd " > <源src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/videos/17_WATER_SDR_Ann_Bui_Costs_and_Customer_Expectation_O365.mp4 " type = "视频/ mp4 " >标记您的浏览器不支持视频。< /源> < /视频> < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >分布设置标记< / div > < div > < p > <强>日期和时间等。< /强>我们可能需要两个小时批准确认内容。出版的内容回顾:Monday-Wednesday 8点,晚上8点等Thursday-Friday 8点,6点。等。< / p > < / div > < / div > 0000年结婚,2017年7月12日19:15:54 + bv 86266年//www.onehalfbooks.com 智能计量使智能公用事业管理 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/smart-metering-enables-smarter-utility-management < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/smart-metering-enables-smarter-utility-management " hreflang = "和" >智能计量使智能工具管理< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/styles/carousel_2x/public/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_4.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 07 - 13 t14:00:00z " >星期四,07/13/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >中最引人注目的发现从今年的战略方向:水行业报告的速度规划整个行业实现更高级的操作技术,如先进的计量基础设施(AMI)和企业资产管理。超过30%的公用事业公司表示计划实现这些技术,说明该行业的发展和应对长期的问题收紧预算,成本上升和提供增强的客户服务。< / p > < p > <强> < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" >下载2017水行业报告< / > < /强> < / p > < p > <强>智能计量进步< /强> < / p > < p >几十年前,许多水务开始采用自动化仪表读数(AMR)技术来减少抄表的成本,提高meter-to-cash业务流程。技术的好处是证明和证据确凿的。调查结果显示,大约有四分之三的公用事业已经或者正在计划实施AMI。< / p > < p > AMI不是下一步改善meter-to-cash功能;这是下一代的水资源管理的基本技术。从手册阅读效用领导人考虑升级,AMI meter-to-cash过程将实质性的好处。然而,公用事业,已经成功实现了AMR,证明投资AMI基于总需要一个业务案例,智能水管理能力和增强客户的利益。< / p > < p > < >强AMI好处< /强> < / p > < p > AMI抄表提供的不仅仅是流线型的计费操作。数据来自AMI可以用于几乎所有的业务和操作功能。超越简单的仪表读数,AMI的好处包括网络计量、控制阀门、压力监测和其他传感设备传输有价值的业务和客户数据。

    Plotting a Roadmap for Transition

    When approaching the transition to AMI, report results show that 33 percent are considering a migratable transition from AMR to AMI, 33 percent are planning to implement a full proactive deployment of AMI, 18 percent are planning to implement AMR first, with a full AMI replacement in the distant future, and the remaining 16 percent plan to follow another path.

    These smart metering investments can be substantial, and the technology is ever-evolving. Thus, no matter which path they choose, utility leaders need to develop a strategy and a roadmap that demonstrates full awareness of how their transition to automated and advanced systems will evolve and expand over time. To fully realize the benefits of AMR and AMI, the utility will need to have a framework in place that can not only capture and analyze the data but can also be trusted to determine the utility’s path forward for optimized water management.

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    0000年结婚,2017年7月12日15:11:20 + bv 86126年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    提高供水服务,通过整合实现遵从性188bet上不了计划 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/elevating-water-188bet上不了services-and-achieving-compliance-through-integrated-planning < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/elevating188bet上不了-water-services-and-achieving-compliance-through-integrated-planning " hreflang = "和" >提高供水服务,通过整合实现合规计划< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " https://3blaws.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/carousel_2x/s3/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_3.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 06 - 29 t14:00:00z " >星期四,06/29/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >综合规划在供水行业中获得了相当大的关注在过去五年。今年的战略方向:水行业报告的调查显示,尽管早期采用者正在取得进展与实施一个“综合规划方法,”机会的存在是为了实现这种方法在更大的范围内,。< / p > < p >综合规划可以帮助水务满足遵从性标准设定的EPA并建立长期的,可持续发展的解决方案,改善水质,确保水资源的保护和支持社区的需要。金博宝怎么注册188bet网址怎么打不开< / p > < p > <强> < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em >下载2017水行业报告< / em > < / > < /强> < / p > < p >近三分之一(32%)的实用程序和/或机构目前依靠集成计划开发整体雨水/污水资本改进策略。然而,33%的受访者表示,他们不依赖于综合规划、和< / p > < p > 35%”不知道什么是综合规划方法。“综合计划似乎趋势更高更大的社区;数量越大,采用速率越大。这可能是由于更严格的法规,对于较大的实用程序,但水各种规模的供应商可能会受益于一个更综合的方法。< / p > < p >早期采用者包括组织在肯塔基州北部和斯普林菲尔德,密苏里州实施计划,使合规标准与相似影响他们的社区的水管理的挑战。< / p > < p >如果利用得当,这种策略可以实现更有效的结果,更好的平衡涉众不同的优先级,允许企业资产管理被认为是社会购买力计算,降低成本和推动水质合规。188bet网址怎么打不开此外,综合规划框架,包括智能技术可以更有效地支持可持续发展,节能和弹性水基础设施。消除筒仓和发展更全面和有效的流域管理策略对所有社区利益相关者是双赢的。188bet网址怎么打不开< / p > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >博客通讯URL < / div > < div > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium=pr&utm_source=3BL&utm_campaign=2017%20water%20sdr&crm_src=Web%20Referral">Elevating Water Services and Achieving Compliance through Integrated Planning
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    结婚,2017年6月28日13:39:28 + 0000 bv 83216年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    除了融资:公私合作的关键属性 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/beyond-financing-key-attributes-public-private-partnership < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/beyond-financing-key-attributes-public-private-partnership " hreflang = "和" >超越融资:公私合作的关键属性< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " https://3blaws.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/carousel_2x/s3/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_2.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " https://3blaws.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/carousel_2x/s3/images/17_SDR_Water_Charts_for_bv.com_Figure_6.png "宽度= = " 862 " alt = " 1200 "高度" title =“供水行业最重要的挑战(百分比排名从重要到不重要)“typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 06 - 22 t16:30:00z " >星期四,06/22/2017 - 12:30 < /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >公私合作(p3)是最常见的以资金大规模水利基础设施项目的一个实用程序不能通过传统融资的支持。然而,其他关键属性在P3模型常常被忽视。P3,私人实体可能会提供资本,但真正的好处远远超出融资。< / p > < p > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > <强> < em >下载2017水行业报告< / em > < /强> < / > < / p > < p > <强>如何公私伙伴关系帮助基础设施建设?< /强> < / p > < ul > <李> <强>经济发展和创造就业< /强>:前期开发资金可以使新的就业支持可持续发展的努力。李李< / > < > < >强率可预见性和稳定性< /强>:P3模型允许效用合约地预留私人聚会在长期利率保持一致。这种保护纳税人免受不可预知的增加超过一个项目的生命。李李< / > < > < >强企业资产管理可预测性< /强>:长期公私合营协议可以包括增设kpi所以资产被分配一个结构化的、可预测的维护计划。李李< / > < > < >强最优风险分担< / >强:采用P3模型的主要优势之一是转移公众的合作伙伴建立了融资、技术、建设和运营风险,私人部门。< /李> < / ul > < p > p3可以帮助解决一些水和废水公用事业所面临的最大挑战。最重要的挑战了受访者< a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告< / em > < / >的一项调查,p3可以直接帮助解决前五:老化的供水和污水基础设施、管理运营成本,系统恢复力,管理资本成本,并证明资本改进计划(CIPs)和/或速度的要求。< / p > < p >超过60%的受访者表示他们使用或正在考虑一个P3为一个特定的项目,现在多元化的自然。 And while P3s are still a developing approach to infrastructure project funding, successful system-wide case studies in Rialto, California, Prince Georges County in Maryland and San Antonio, Texas, are illustrating the flexibility and stakeholder advantages.

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    星期四,2017年6月22日13:44:58 + 0000 bv 83001年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    顾客驱动的世界级的自来水 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/customer-driven-world-class-water-utility < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/customer-driven-world-class-water-utility " hreflang = "和" >顾客驱动的世界级自来水< / > < / span > < img加载=“懒惰”src = " https://3blaws.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/carousel_2x/s3/images/17_Water_SDR_Social_Medai_LinkedIn_1200x627_v1_Week_1.jpg "宽度= " 1200 "高度= " 627 " alt = " typeof = " foaf:图像" / > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 06 - 15 t14:00:00z " >星期四,06/15/2017 - 10点< /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容的文章< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >每个效用渴望实现业务和服务卓越。公用事业通常定义最佳水资源管理目标从目前的经营业绩和未来的努力。< / p > < p >实用程序需要图表综合路径服务卓越、财务弹性和积极的客户互动获得“世界级”站。作为今年的Black & Veatch < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em >战略方向:水行业报告< / em > < / >表示,挑战,如老化的基础设施,有才华的员工损失和金融约束继续影响业务决策和实用性能。在持续的环境挑战,资源有限,如何一个实用程序创建其“商业卓越”地位的路径?< / p > < p > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > <强> < em >下载2017水行业报告< / em > < /强> < / > < / p > < p > <强>提高客户体验< /强> < / p > < p >与媒体头条新闻关于水服务事件增加近年来,积极主动的客户互动应该是一个关键原则的现代水务战略计划。更加动态的双向沟通可以在建立信任,提高客户体验。计划如通信通过移动应用程序和其他媒体渠道可以帮助及时和一致的对话双方效用和地方税纳税人受益。< / p > < p > < >强Smart Analytics水可持续性< /强金博宝怎么注册> < / p > < p >虽然水务开始利用数据分析操作和资产管理、智能计量数据的实时分析和优化和增强效率仍然相当新。< / p > < p >根据受访者,目前只有7%的受益于这些智能技术。 Through comprehensive analysis and dissemination, data can – and should – drive business decisions, master planning and capital investments that support greater water sustainability.

    Data analytics can tie into how a water utility models its operations from finances to asset management, utilizing real-time information. Organizations then have the flexibility to adjust technical and strategic models for more effective and economical operations. Among this year’s survey participants, 93 percent indicated that system resilience was one of the most important challenges to the water industry, making its correlation with enterprise asset management critical.

    Changing Value Perceptions

    With respect to building financial capacity, most utilities strive to achieve the required bond covenants while balancing customer affordability requirements and adequately meeting operation and capital budgets. Utilities that aim to build long-term sustainability, however, exercise a deliberate and holistic focus on key factors including best practices that are based on asset management, service delivery excellence, customer convenience and low-income assistance, enhanced financial performance metrics and consistent stakeholder engagement.

    A world-class utility should be asking itself: To get to that ultimate level of performance, what resources and strategies do I need to apply? Water solutions should focus on providing value in all facets of service delivery while communicating the alignment between the costs and the value of water.

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    结婚,2017年6月14日20:11:20 + 0000 bv 82725年//www.onehalfbooks.com
    水的新标准 //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/waters-new-normal < span > < a href = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/news/waters-new-normal " hreflang = "和" >水的新常态< / > < / span > <时间datetime = " 2017 - 06 - 09年t16:10:00z " >星期五,06/09/2017 - 12:10 < /时间> < div > < div > < / div > < div >类型的内容和总结多媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div > < / div > < div >布局特色媒体< / div > < / div > < div > < div >身体< / div > < div > < p >辛迪Wallis-Lage, Black & Veatch水业务总裁讨论行业协作的重要性更可持续水系统。适应气候变化,探索综合规划和与纳税人只是一些水领导人正在进化的方式在他们的“新常态”。< / p > < p >了解水的可持续性正在推动美国水行业< em 金博宝怎么注册> < / em > < a href = " https://pages.bv.com/SDR-Water-Industry-DL.html?utm_medium = pr&utm_source = 3 bl&utm_campaign = 2017% 20水% 20 sdr&crm_src = Web % 20推荐“目标= "平等" > < em > 2017战略方向:水行业报告< / em >。< / > < / p > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >视频< / div > < div > < div > < div class = "视频" > <视频类=“embed-responsive-item”控制= " = " https://3blaws.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/video_posterframe/s3/videos/thumbnails/222593/thumbnail - 222593 - _0001.png?海报h = 7 a6e80fd " > <源src = " //www.onehalfbooks.com/sites/default/files/videos/17_WATER_SDR_Cindy_Wallis_Lage_Executive_Summary_FINAL.mp4 " type = "视频/ mp4 " >标记您的浏览器不支持视频。< /源> < /视频> < / div > < / div > < / div > < / div > < div > < div >分布设置标记< / div > < div > < p > <强>日期和时间等。< /强>我们可能需要两个小时批准确认内容。出版的内容回顾:Monday-Wednesday 8点,晚上8点等Thursday-Friday 8点,6点。等。< / p > < / div > < / div > 星期五,09年6月2017 13:54:42 + 0000 bv 82555年//www.onehalfbooks.com